heart torn in two: gerard pitts

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Gerard wasn't very vocal but his pen said more than words could. After you two break up the summer before college he finds himself writing to you from the deepest inch of his heart. He feels a disconnect where he wishes to hold you closer. He hears back at home that you've been out and about with someone new.

Heart torn in two by Gerard Pitts

I feel disconnected to you in a way that tears my soul apart.
I count days waiting for you to come up to me
Or even smile in my direction knowing the smile is only for me.
One and two and three
Days I see nothing.
I look at you to look at me.
But nothing.

I feel disconnected to you in a way that makes my heart ache.
Like I've been shot countless times
With your smiles, and laughs, and contentment for someone else.
And I wonder why  I'm not good enough.
Why I no longer feel good enough for you.

You used to be my stars, I used to believe you were intergalactic.
But now I feel so disconnected to you,
Because all I see is you with someone else.
Never coming up to me.
Never laughing with me.
Never smiling at me.
Never caring for me.

I call with no answers.
Write you letters with no reply.
It makes me feel pathetic
Because all I do is try.
I feel so disconnected
When I only wish to be close to you.

SYMPHONY; dead poet society one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now