Chapter One

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"Hurry up, Lydia!" Isiah shouted, provoking his sister, "Or are you chicken?"

"Am not!" Lydia yelled from the other side of the training field.

"Don't let your brother distract you." My aunt huffed from the sideline, "Focus!"

Lydia took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly before she hunched her small frame into a fighting stance. When her lilac eyes opened she nodded her head, signalling Isiah to begin.

Isiah grinned, his copper orange eyes glistening as flames bursted from his palms towards his sister. Lydia's eyes glowed their beautiful lilac colour as she braced herself for his strikes. The flames dissipated upon contact of the barrier she formed in front of her. Like her mom she could create forcefields but did not possess the electrical current protection. However, Lydia was endowed the ability to make whatever was inside the forcefield invisible.

"Great progress!" Aurora cheered, proud of her daughter.

"Where's my applause?" Isiah brushed his short jet black hair back.

"For that you need to do something worth applauding for." A mischievous grin tugged at my cherry red lips.

Lydia snorted and giggled as Aurora rolled her cobalt blue eyes.

"Is that a challenge, cousin?" Isiah cocked his head to the side.

"Think you can last longer than our last spar?" I smirked.

"I ain't scared." Isiah flashed a grin.

"Are you certain that's a smart idea?" Aurora raised a brow at her son.

"I'll be fine, Ma." Isiah assured her as he jogged over to the centre of the field.

"I'll take it easy on him—for the most part." I winked at my aunt before joining my cousin in the circle we used as our sparring ring.

"You got this!" Lydia tucked a piece of her glossy black hair behind her ear.

"What about me? Am I nonexistent?" Isiah whined from the circle.

"I wish you were." Lydia remarked.

"Lydia." Aurora warned, her satiny black hair fell down just passed her collar bone. Her slightly tanned skin was vaguely visible through her burgundy jacket. My aunts figure was similar to mine in muscle mass since she had trained harder to ensure she could keep our family safe.

"I'm sorry, Ma." Lydia groaned.

Rolling my emerald green eyes I slid off my white hoodie leaving me in a grey sports bra and black leggings. My raven black hair was double Dutch braided and hung just passed my shoulder blades. My body mass highly consisted of muscles from training everyday. I wasn't shredded but it was definitely noticeable that I lifted weights. My aunt suggested that it could be a werewolf trait.

Before we began I decided to stretch out my arms, shoulders and then legs. Isiah followed my warm up before the real fun started. After all he was more shredded and muscled up than the rest of us besides his father.

"Remember, first one to make the other tap out first wins." My aunt and cousin stood outside the circle. "If any part of your body leaves the circle you are eliminated."

"Ready to lose, Vee?" Isiah began circling me.

"Haven't lost yet, have I?" I watched him closely. Not to sound overly confident and cocky but I could easily win if I wanted to. I just wanted to entertain his pea sized brain.

Isiah was first to make his move as he lunged at me swinging a punch at my face which I easily dodged by stepping to the side. Isiah scowled as he swung a few more times, all of them missing as I was easily able to maneuver away. One of the perks of being half werewolf was speed—making all of Isiahs movements seem like they were in slow motion. Noticing that I had an opportunity I dropped low and delivered a low kick to his legs causing him to fall backwards. Isiah landed on his back hard causing him to cough.

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