Chapter 3

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Five minutes into the class, I realise that I'm in big trouble. However hard I attempt to concentrate on what Miss Spellman is saying, I can't seem to understand it. Moving schools every couple of years will do that to you. My parents don't really care about my grades and usually I don't either but I do make it a point to at least pass my classes, which might be a little harder for Miss Spellman's.

Miss Spellman is now looking straight at me and I rack my brain, wondering if she asked me a question I didn't hear.

"Could you please repeat that?" I ask,

She sighs, "I said you need to pay attention cause there's going to be a test on this topic next week."

I nod, looking at the tiny scrawled drawings on what should have been my notes. I feel someone's gaze on me and turn around. My study room roommate immediately averts her gaze but not before we make eye contact for a split second. I tend to pride myself on being able to read people because of my years of standing in corners, watching them but when I look at her, I get nothing. Her expression is blank and I don't know if she is planning my demise or just enjoys watching me get reprimanded. You'd be surprised at how many people enjoy the latter.

I turn back ahead because I want to stay on Miss Spellman's good side. I try to make notes for the rest of the lesson in the hope that they'll come in handy for the test. When the bell rings, I involuntarily sigh in relief. There's only so much biology I can take in at a time.

I make my way out of the classroom as quickly as possible before Maya and Cory can catch up to me. I appreciate their invitation for lunch but there is too much that can go wrong and doing something that could lower their opinion of me is not an option.

My roommate is already in the study room when I enter and she gives no indication that she is aware of my presence. I take a deep breath, "What's your name?"

"Mia" she says, turning a page, "what's yours?"

"Lucas" I say



I escape into the safety of my side of the partition, my heart beating fast. I'm not a huge fan of initiating conversations but I also know that it is beneficial to be on good terms with the weird girl who can potentially ward off visitors to the study room.

As soon as I sit down, the voice that had been dormant all this time, starts up her regular chatter. Something about homework being illegal and a crime against children. I smile, "You're a regular chatty Cathy huh?"

Obviously, she doesn't reply or stop her rant but then I don't really expect her to. I realised some time ago that this was a one way radio. I really should give her a name. After all this time, she has started to seem like a friend, a friend whose company I enjoy and who I don't really have to talk to. Cathy, I decide, I'm going to call you Cathy.

I try to focus on my book as Cathy drones on. By the time I turn the last page, she's been silent for at least half an hour. I get up and stretch, trying to work out the kinks in my back. I peer outside and am faced with an empty room. It looks like Mia left quite some time ago. I gather up my things and switch off the lights before exiting the room.

I step outside of the building and wince as the bright sunlight hits me. I don't see a familiar black car in the parking lot which means I have to walk home. I feel a slight surge of annoyance before comforting myself with the fact that I'll probably get a new video game tomorrow.

I hear the sound of panting behind me and turn around to see a black and white dog wagging its tail at me. I bend down to scratch its ears as it nuzzles my hand. Ever since I turned 13, I'd always wanted a pet. Animals just didn't scare me the way people did. A dog would just sit quietly with you while you read unlike people who for some reason, loved to indulge in small talk. Plus, animals loved me.

The dog takes a step back, its tail still wagging furiously. I too take a step closer, hoping to give it a belly rub before I leave. It licks my hand and then takes off. Against my better judgement, I take off after it. I hesitate as I watch it turn around as if to make sure I'm still there and then saunter into the woods. I check my watch; I'm going to be late. But then again, I realise, there's no one waiting for me at home. I follow my new friend deeper into the woods.

He rounds a corner and I do the same, stopping short at the scene before me. A girl, lying on the ground, her shirt stained crimson and her eyes open and unblinking. I open my mouth and I scream. 

For J, the girl who really deserves her meet cute at a coffee shop.

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