Chapter 5

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I woke up gasping for air. I was covered in sweat and my blankets were tousled everywhere. I looked around me as it took me a moment to realize I was back in my room with no Camila.

What the hell was that?

I held my chest as I tried to get my breathing back to normal. I swallowed hard as I slowly got out of bed. It was still dark out and my house remained quiet. I stumbled to my bathroom and flickered on the light.

My eyes were darker and I looked like shit.

"Holy fuck." I whispered and splashed water in my face. I stood there with my head down and my hands supporting me up on the rim of the sink.

What was that? Was that Camila trying to tell me something? If so, why me? Was it because of what I saw?

I decided to do a bit of research myself. I crawled back in bed and reached for my laptop. I turned it on and searched up Google. I felt a little dumb looking this up but my curiosity was killing me. Everything going on in such short time was just too much. I sighed and typed in, Vampires. A whole bunch of results came up, including drawings and people dressed up as it for Halloween. I scrolled down and finally came across a page that didn't look too cliché and didn't look to be made by a 10 year old. I clicked on it and it loaded to pictures and a quick Bio on vampires.

I scrolled further and saw Signs of Becoming One. I rolled my eyes and continued until I came across what I was looking for. Think You Know Someone Who Could Be One? I felt stupid but I clicked on it. I read on.

Think you know someone who could be a Vampire but not sure? For starters, no they don't sparkle but there are signs. Be careful and don't get them confused. Vampires have a tendency of being reserved and quiet. They hardly talk and don't often share anything about themselves. It feels as if they don't really exist. No one knows where they came from, where they live. Never seen family members, parents, no one at all. If your 'someone' is like this that's one check to mark off.

My hands started getting a little sweaty as Camila's situation with no one knowing her parents or even seeing her with someone came in with this "sign". I continued reading.

The second sign is obviously the way they act. Unless they're what we call 'supreme', it's difficult for them to control their thirst around people. Being as they will often leave out of no where, look as if in pain, or even look angrily hungry. Some who've been vampires longer than others and been training to keep their thirst under control, have tendency to control it better. You won't notice it as much but if you look closely you would be able to tell. They come off as kinda 'mysterious' and 'weird'.

In appearances and such, they are naturally cold. No not in personality wise. They're body are colder and their skin is really pale. For appearances they are what we would call perfect. Every detail of them is defined and seemed to made by a perfectionist. It's actually one of their tools to lower people in. Kinda like bait. Obviously many will be attracted and follow whatever they say.

Speaking of tools, they also have the ability to captivate you, to the point where you can't stop thinking about them and seeing them wherever you go. That's another way they lower you in. Some do it purposely, others can't really control it. If they have a what we just call a "vrykolaka". They can help stop the obsession people have over them. Most vampire that use vrykolakas to stop it, are ones who prefer animal blood over human.

More facts if you still need to confirm, is some also have short temper but don't get confused, some are just scared so they might come off as that. Obviously they are extremely strong as well. Also they're some stories leading to vampire connecting with them through mind links and dreams-

I immediately stopped reading and closed my laptop. My heart was pounding as I try to put one piece together at a time. Everything in that article basically described Camila and everything that's been going on. The dream, for fucks sakes. I can't believe this was actually happening to me. But everything made sense. It was just hard to come to this conclusion. Like vampires? I never even watched twilight because it never interest me and I didn't believe in dumb vampire romances.

Could this really be the answer though? Everything made sense. No matter what, I was going to talk to Camila, rather she wanted to or not.


Long time to update for a short crappy chapter. My bad 😅. I'm just tried of wattpad deleting my chapters. But I do try to update every weekend.

A/Q- so What do you expect will happen when Lauren sees Camila?

Do you think Camila will tell her?

Oooooo how knows? Wait I do lol. K well thank you guys so much and please vote or comment. Thanks xxx

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