Chapter 31

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🎉🎊 It's @Ariana_Fifth_Harmony 's birthday!! Please wish her a happy birthday in the comments. lol hope you have a good one babe! 🎉🎊

"Lauren..." A faded voice called me but I ignored it. Or at least tried to. I felt someone start shaking my shoulder lightly, "Lauren." They said more firmly this time. I peaked my eyes open and saw my mom sitting next to me.

"Honey are you going to school today?" Her voice low since I just woke up.

"Um..." I wiped my eyes and glanced at the clock to see if I had enough time to even get ready. Since my mom woke up pretty early for work It gave me more than enough time. I sighed, as much as I didn't want to go. I kinda had to. I missed too much as it was and staying home still won't fix my Camila situation.

"Honey?" I realized that I token some time thinking that I hadn't responded to my mom. I nodded and slowly got up.

"I guess I'll go." I shrugged while heading to my closet.

"If you really don't want to, you don't have to. Your father told me you weren't feeling well yesterday." My mom stated walking towards me.

I shrugged, "no it's fine. It was just some stress but I'm feeling better." Lie.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure but thanks mom." I sent her a smile and she gave one back.

"Okay me and your father are going to work right now, if you need anything just call us." I nodded and with that she gave me a kiss on my head and went downstairs.

I grabbed whatever looked good and went to take a shower. I had a love/hate feeling with taking a shower. I loved it because it relaxed me and I feel clean. I hate it because that's the time I think most and that leads to over thinking then me going crazy with my thoughts.

Just like now. Would Camila even be at school today? Will she finally tell me about yesterday and well, just about everything going on?

Why does she keep lying and keeping things from me? Shouldn't I deserve to know?

I think what hurts the most was that she was my girlfriend but couldn't find it in her to tell me anything. I wanted her to trust me and not take me as someone that can't handle things.

I sighed, I already took too long. I switched the water off and got out. Without much effort I went downstairs and saw my parents already left. Leaving me a plate of eggs and bacon.

I didn't feel like eating so I just ate the two strips of crispy bacon and washed my mouth and headed to school.

Normani and Ally had still yet to properly talk to me since yesterday. I had texted them but neither replied. The only one who did was Dinah.

"Hey Laurenza." I heard Dinah greet me, placing her arm over my shoulder as I walked in school.

"Sup Dinah." I greeted back going to my locker. "Where did you even get Laurenza from?" I asked putting my books that I didn't need away.

She shrugged as she leaned herself on the locker next to mine. "I thought it sounded cool. Do you like it?" A small smirk placed on her lips.

"Absolutely Dinah! I couldn't ask for such a better nickname!" My fake excitement clearly heard.

"Aye, wipe that sarcasm off your lips hoe. What? Do you prefer something else like...Lo?" I closed my locker and stared at Dinah who had a taunting smirk.

"Camila told you?"

"Wouldn't exactly use the term 'told', more like it slipped out." Dinah shrugged as they walked around for a bit before school started. "It seems you token a liking to it since you're blushing like crazy." She smirked.

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