I promise💗

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              Alessandro De Rossi

I'm Alessandro De Rossi. I'm 24 years old and I'm the leader of the Italian Mafia.
I didn't choose to live in this world but I'm used now and I kinda like it. I mean who doesn't like being rich right??
After my mother died I have become a cold man .I don't do relationships I only sleep around. I don't express my feelings to anyone. My father has told me that a true man can't show emotions, emotions are for the weak ones. As a Mafia leader I can't do that.

When I was little I wanted to be a doctor, to save someone's life, but now instead of saving I take their lives. It's crazy how things turned out for me. My mother was the kindest woman in the whole planet..but I don't know what she saw in my dad. Anyways I feel like I'm responsible for my mother's death. I'm not sure what was the reason she died cuz I was only 5 years old, but my father told me she had cancer. I always used to hear my parents fight all the time about different things. Now I try to escape my mind by drinking, killing and sleeping around. It's like my medicine.

Today I had the party of the club I was opening...its called "Moonlight".
My mother and I used to sit outside at night. Just the two of us and just stare at the moon.
So I named it after our memories.

Even though I'm surrounded by people all the time I feel alone, like I have a huge blank in my heart.

Here I was, with two girls on my side, and my mind was zoomed out. I don't really do this. Usually I would have had sex with them immediately. I don't know what's wrong with me today. And then I saw her. A gorgeous blonde in a tight black dress dancing in the crowd. I started staring at her and she noticed me. Shit what do I do now.but then she ignored me and started dancing again.

A minute after, some douchebag took her by her hips and started dancing with her.

That motherfucking idiot.
I saw them dance together and she was getting uncomfortable. Yeah I know that I'm not the ideal type of men but I hate it when boys disrespect girls. Expesially girls like her. She looked so innocent...like a fragile flower. I thought I could help her from that inappropriate situation. I walked close to her.

"Anything wrong amore?" Well I I'm not exactly sure how that name got out of my mouth but nevermind. "Play along." I whispered in her ear.

"Not at all but this man was just pissing me off." she replied. That's my girl.

"Hey what's with touching others girlfriends man?!?" And I saw him get scared. " I know my girlfriend is sexy but that doesn't mean yku can touch her. "I called her mine. I wish.

"I was just trying to dance man. She didn't said she had a boyfriend . Im very sorry." Yeah you should be apologizing asshole ,but not to me, to her! And with that he left.

"Okay he left , now care to explain what was all of that?" Damn she has the voice of an angel.

"I saw you were uncomfortable and I came to rescue you amore." That word again..I swear ...it just gets out of my mouth itself.

"Maybe I didn't want your help. Ever thought of that?" She sounded angry.

"It seemed like you did, and instead if arguing with me why don't you thank me?" This girl is feisty.

"Okay pretty boy thank you, now you can leave."

Pretty boy. She already has a nickname for me. Sweet.

"Oh you think I'm pretty huh..?" I started teasing her.

"Okay you can return to your little girlfriends over there...bye bye!" She replied quickly and was about to leave.

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