Chapter 21

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"Wait. You got mad at me? About Simon!?" I asked incredulously with my voice getting louder at the end. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Is this man for real?

"What were you expecting, Gabriel? That because we no longer were friends, I would be sitting here in some old, dark run done house, all alone, and turned myself into some bitter old woman with 50 cats?" I asked him, my anger rising with each word.

Gabriel raised a brow and said, "That's a bit much, and no, that's not what I expected." he protested, to which he just got a glare from me. He sighed. "Look, it was stupid of me to get angry because I saw you being happy."

It's stupid even hearing it. I rolled my eyes and turned away from him, wrapping my arms around myself, but he grabbed my arms and turned me around

I felt a tingle where he touched, but I ignored it. I have felt that for as long as I can remember.

I may not love him anymore, but it seems that my attraction for him still hasn't faded. But this feeling is one-sided, so I am no longer acknowledging it.

"Nicola," he called, when I refused to look at him. "Please look at me." He pleaded.

I finally turned my face to look up at him, still frowning.

"Nicola, believe me, I had only wished the best for you. I wasn't hoping that you were alone and lonely."

'But wishing it and seeing it is very different. You may not have been in my life for the past six years, but i never replaced you, but it seems that you have replaced me," he continued softly, his eyes showing me the hurt that he was feeling.

"And you still haven't told me who the guy is. I'm just assuming he was a friend and not a boyfriend." He finished quietly. He was softly caressing my upper arms with his thumbs as he spoke.

He had been holding me by my arms the whole time and I had stayed rooted in place, unable to move, my eyes frozen on his face as he stared back at me earnestly, pleading with me to understand.

He was holding me too close. I felt his warmth surrounding me. His musky smell was playing with my mind.

"Nicola?" He asked

"Yeah..?" I replied dazedly. Was he waiting for me to say something? I couldn't really remember. Damn this stupid attraction.

All I could think about was how good he smelled, how perfect he looked, even up close, and how I never can get enough of staring into those beautiful blue eyes. It felt like I was staring into the ocean. And I loved the ocean!


"What?" I asked softly.

He shook me gently, bringing me crashing back to earth, and I realised what I had been doing.

I blinked and turned away, glad that it was dark because I was pretty sure my face was completely red right now. I could feel my face burning!

I still couldn't remember if he had asked something.

This was so embarrassing! I wanted to cover my face, but that would just make my state more obvious. What happened to ignoring the attraction?

All he needed was to come close to me, and I became mush. I scowled at myself for being so weak.

"Who is he?" He demanded, finally losing patience.

"Who?" I asked him stupidly. God woman. Pull yourself together, would you!

He looked at me incredulously. Can't blame him.

"That guy!" He said. Flinging his arms towards the road, finally letting go of me.

I quickly stepped away, finally being able to breathe and think clearly.

"The guy who dropped you home. Who hugged you and kissed you and danced with you while making you laugh and who is so protective towards you! Who is that guy?" He asked, looking like he was about ready to burst in frustration.

"Simon? He is my best friend." I told him simply, looking at him innocently.

He looked like the wind had been knocked out of him. His face dropped, his shoulders sagged, and he looked at me sadly.

"I see." He responded quietly, dropping his arms.

I realized too late what I had said.

I opened my mouth to say something to undo what I had done. But nothing came out.

What could I say. Simon meant a lot to me. He was my friend, my confidante, my savior, my greatest support. Right now, without my sister, he was my everything. Without him, I really had no one by my side.

I looked away, closing my mouth, I had nothing I could say. I had found a great friend in Simon, but I never meant to hurt Gabriel.

I looked up, hearing him clearing his throat. " I will get going then. I am sorry, once again." He said stiffly, not looking at me.

Before I could say anything, he turned around, opening the door to his car...


Stupid Nicola! I said for the hundredth time swiping paint vigorously on the canvas.

I have been in my studio painting since dawn when I finally gave up trying to sleep.

My mind was just feeling too restless since last night, after I had just let Gabriel get in the car and drive off.

We really don't mean any harm to each other. I can see that now, but we just leave our problems unfinished,which has created a really big rift between us.

I'm not eager to become close to him again, but I think all these miscommunications between us is in the end going to affect the kids. And not to mention the unnecessarily hurting of each other.

Why couldn't I have stopped him from leaving last night? We seriously need to talk this out. We need to end this. Otherwise, we are going to start becoming toxic to each other.

With that thought in mind, I game up my pathetic attempts at painting and threw the paint brush on the table, wiped my hand, and started towards my room to get my phone. I need to call him. Now.

But before I could reach my room, the doorbell started ringing. Thinking it's probably Simon who liked to randomly show up at my doorstep early in the morning to have breakfast with me, I dashed to my room and grabbed my phone before going downstairs.

I searched for Gabriel's number just before I opened the front door, where my jaw dropped seeing who it really was...

Ok. End of another chapter. Hope you enjoyed it!

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