Chapter 30

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I opened the curtains, and the sun seeped through the window into my room.

I smiled as I looked outside at the beautiful view. It's been a week, and I have not yet been tired from looking at the view of this magnificent place through my window.

We were in North Carolina, America, where Gabriel had decided to bring us.

His Uncle James, his mother's brother, had gotten married to his aunt, who is from North Carolina, and had decided to settle here. That was a long time ago, and they had kids Gabriel's age, and he had spent many summers here while growing up.

I have to admit, this is a nice change for us who come from tropical regions, where all we see is sand and sea.

Here, there were mountains as far as the eye could see, and greenery everywhere.

I opened  the window to let in the cool morning air.

Since it's summer, it wasn't that cold here, but in the mornings, it gets pretty cold for us if we are not used to the weather. I took a deep breath, letting the fresh air in my body. Feeling myself shiver, I wrapped my arms around myself and closed my eyes, enjoying myself.

Without any warning, a hand suddenly came up behind me and shut the window. Immediately, my happy smile turned into a pout.

I turned to see who the culprit was who dared disturb my blissful morning. Of cause, it was the overprotective Gabriel. He who comes to ruin all the happy moments. He has been like this ever since I had gotten sick on the twins' birthday, which was two weeks ago!

I'm fine now, but nope, apparently I had turned into the most delicate flower, and I could wither away any moment without his constant monitoring. Eye roll.

I glared at him, only to be glared right back.

"What are you doing?!" He demanded.

"What are you doing in my bedroom?" I demanded right back with my hands on my hips.

"How can you open the window when it's so cold outside, wearing that." He shouted, pointing at my night gown.  It was pretty thin and flimsy, and I wasn't wearing anything underneath. Plus, with my hands on my hips, the material had stretched, straining on my boobs. I saw his eyes darken before he shut his eyes quickly, turning away.

"Exactly! How can you enter my room without my permission while I am wearing this!?" I shouted, pulling at my night gown, hoping to cover the exposed areas.

"And why do you both have to shout so early in the morning?" Came a sleepy voice from beside the door.

We both turned to see two sleepy girls rubbing their eyes and yawning while hugging their bunnies.

"Awwwn, I'm sorry, my darlings," I cooed at them both, forgetting about fighting with Gabriel and walking up to  them, giving them a hug.

Only for them to both shriek and jump away from me. "Brrr cold!" I heard them say before running off.

I turned around to see Gabriel with his arms folded on his chest, giving me an I told you, so look.

I gave a sheepish grin, which made him walk over to me and touch my arms, rubbing them up and down gently, making me shiver for a completely different reason.

"Go take a warm bath, Nicola, before you catch a cold." He advised, probably thinking I was shivering because I was cold.

"Ok. But just so you know, you have become a nagging old grandma." I told him, turning to go in the bathroom.

"Yea, I have because you have become as mature as a toddler." He shot back with a smirk before he left my room.

I stuck my tongue out at the closed door before marching towards the bathroom, proving exactly how right he was.

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