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Sadly this is another story bc idk anymore.

This is supposed to take place before and after "Realizing"

⚠️🚨WARNING 🚨⚠️
This story might contain mentions of
Starscream seeing things
Starscream being scared of people.
Some ships?
Ok that's it.

The doors began to flicker and at the right time Starscream went through it.

The hallway was silent. He was the only one left in there since everyone else was taken somewhere.

Starscream ran as fast as he could.

As he ran he saw nobody else. They were all gone or they were sleeping or they were in the testing room.

Starscream then saw an exit. Or what he thought was. It was weird, it was a hologram. Nobody saw him ever leave, and so he ran. He ran, far, far, far, far away.
He hid behind a tree.
He was scared and he was afraid that they would take him back their and do bad things to him again he didn't want to relive those days.


Starscream being a curious bot decided to explore around.
He saw many things that he thought he would never be able to see.
He was enjoying the peace until he heard something.

Star: Hello?

He saw something run by.

Star: Is someone there?

Starscream was more than scared he was confused and afraid.
Until the thing that ran by snuck up on him as he turned around.

Starscream turned around and just stared at what he saw.

Bee: Boo!

Star: Ahh!

Bee: Ha, got you Starscream.

Star: Bumblebee...?

Bee: What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be-

Star: I thought you were dead.

Bee: Yea, about that...

Starscream hugs him.

Bee: Um ok.

Bumblebee hugs him back.

Star: They took them...

Bee: Who?

Star: NovaStorm...

Bee: Who else?

Star: they...they...they took Breakdown!

Bee: Breakdown?! Where did they take them?

Star: They took them to some abandoned train station...,and they took them for.... energy...

Bee: I saw what they did.

Star: you won't take me back there right?....

Bee: why would I?

Starscream hugged him tightly and Bumblebee started to hug back.

Bee: I promise I'll take you somewhere safe.

(Bro just act like this is after "Realizing")

Starscream clung to Megatron as he didn't want to him to let go.

Megatron sighed and walked back into the barn.

In the underground bunker:

Mega: So. This is where you guys have been staying?

Star: yes where it's nice and safe and away from those....

Moe: Are you ok Starscream? You look sad.

Moe puts a hand on his and Starscream flinched and he moved his hand away from his and clung on to Megatron again.

Mega: Starscream? What's wrong? Their not going to hurt you.

Bee: he's been doing that for a while he's still scared about what G.H.O.S.T did to him.

Mega: what did they do to my poor little star?

Star: they...they....

Starscream started to sob.

Mega: Starscream it's ok if you don't want to talk about it.

Star: it's just... They took NovaStorm and Breakdown, and everyone else to some place to use for energy...

Mega: Bumblebee does Optimus Prime know about what's happening?

Bee: No, but I can tell him right now.

Mega: then do what must be done.

Bee: *on the intercom* This is Bumblebee to Optimus Prime do you copy?

Optimus: *on the intercom* What seems to be the problem love?

Bee: Optimus...there's a problem.

Optimus: What type of problem, love?

Bee: I think G.H.O.S.T has been using Decepticons for energy.

Optimus: What do you mean?

Bee: I was in the city a few weeks ago looking for Grimlock and I found something disturbing...

Optimus: What did you find?

Bee: There were Decepticons hanging from the ceiling and their energon was being used for energy.

Optimus: Hmmm that is suspicious.

Bee: Then 1 week after that I found Starscream in the woods.

Optimus: Wait, Starscream's with you guys?

Bee: he's been here for weeks.

Optimus: Is Megatron there?

Bee: Yes.

Optimus: I'll be there soon. See you there love.

Bee: Optimus, make sure nobody follows you.

Optimus: Sure.

Bumblebee turns off his intercom

Bee: looks like Optimus prime is coming.

Mega: He is?

Bee: yep.

Bee: hopefully we can find out what G.H.O.S.T is up to. If not... I fear the worst.


At this point I'm just going make a new story about this.

Lol later haters 💚🖤


Nah bro I put hers instead of his, help 💀

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