Chapter Eleven

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DISTRICT THIRTEEN WELCOMED THE GROUP BACK WITH OPEN ARMS, BUT APPREHENSIVE THOUGHTS. Katniss met with the group in Alma Coin's meeting room ready to discuss the next steps of the plan. They sent out another message as a distraction to not only save Wren, but rally the Districts together.

Finnick fumbled with his fingers as he sat across from Katniss. His thoughts were occupied by his love, Annie. Her time being held behind the walls of the Capitol nearly broke her even more than her Games. Finnick scratched his bare left hand, he pictured a ring there. He and Annie discussed a wedding. Two weddings in Thirteen just months apart. His eyes shifted to the couple that was married before he and his love- Cato and Wren.

The couple sat two seats down from the Mockingjay, holding hands above the table. Cato's thumb caressed the back of his wife's hand. Finnick wanted to hold Annie at the moment but she was in bed. Lately, the redhead didn't want to leave their room in fear of the Capitol finding her again.

Alma Coin entered the room, she was the last of them. Beetee, Haymitch, Effie, Cato, Wren, and Katniss sat on one side of the table. On the other side were Johanna, Finnick, Clove, Marvel, and Glimmer. Finch was in the hospital wing still recovering from the gunshot wound.

Wren glanced at the Mockingjay, only to find she was already looking in her direction. She gave the girl a slight nod, ignoring the bruising on her neck.

"Ms. Everdeen, how are you feeling?" Alma asked as she sat down at the head of the table. Her boney fingers interlaced in front of her.

"Better," Katniss wheezed out. her throat felt like it was on fire; as if every breath she took she'd inhale smoke from her own flame.

"Better?"Marvel sassed. "You sound like a squeaky toy."

"That is enough, Mr. Sanford," Plutarch said with a nasty look. Marvel rolled his eyes.

Alma cleared her throat, "Well, Peeta is in a current state of delusion. He thinks he's still in the Capitol, even after Prim explained to him what happened."

Chattering amongst the group occurred. Katniss looked at her lap in fear of what they were talking about. Wren didn't end up like Peeta.

"We have a plan set in place, Katniss will leave with Gale and the team to District Eight, the railroad system underground is vacant. They will film more messages to get across to the Capitol. Gale will take it from there."

"Wait, why can't they go to Two as we planned for earlier?" Plutarch asked looking over his notes.

"Because we've dropped off Cato and the others there last time to infiltrate the Capitol. It's too risky. Listen, District Two's commander Lyme will be waiting for you with her team. They will help you find a way through the Capitol's walls again, but we won't leave this time."

Gale nodded and stood up.

Wren raised an eyebrow. That plan was too simple. What more was going on?


The group was split up.

Wren, Cato, Marvel, and Clove stayed in Thirteen to nurse themselves and keep an eye on Glimmer.

Glimmer wasn't showing, but she was snippy. The girl's hormones were all over the place and it made Wren fear if she and Cato ever had children. She watched as Glimmer walked around the training room in Thirteen.

Clove was throwing knives. Cato and Marvel were sparring. She watched as Clove effortlessly hit every single target and simultaneously eyed the boys as Marvel dodged Cato's strike.

"Glim," Wren said. The blonde looked at her; her green eyes widening slightly as she acknowledged her.

"Hmm?" She hummed.

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