Chapter Twenty One

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A knock at the door awoke Takara from her sleep. She sat up in her bed, confused on who would be knocking this early in the morning. She went to lie back down and go back to sleep before there was another multiple of knocks at her voice followed by a voice.

"Come on sleepyhead it's time to wake up!" The voice called through the door.

Takara recognised that the voice belonged to Kuina. She had no idea why Kuina was outside her room so early.

"Game night is over so now your training begins! And there's no better time to start than bright and early in the morning!" She yelled through the door again.

Takara groaned, remembering that she had agreed to start training today. She pulled herself up out of bed and went to go open her door.

"Hey- whoa, you look like a mess! Have you only just woken up?" Kuina asked, looking at Takara still in her pajamas.

"Yep, just like most people at this time in the morning" Takara sleepily said, holding the door open for Kuina to come in.

"Only losers are still asleep right now, come on hurry up and get ready!"

Takara was confused on how a person could have so much energy this early in the morning. She went into her closet to pick out something to train in, getting dressed as Kuina went out onto the balcony while she waited.

Once Takara was ready, they made their way down to the training room. The room seemed to be an old gym which had been updated to fit the beach's needs. A wall had been knocked through to make the place even bigger, separating the room into two sections. On the left, all the gym equipment had been arranged with every sort of machine a person could think of. On the right side there was a large padded mat which covered most of the floor that made that section resemble a makeshift dojo.

"Now I was thinking I'd show you some moves on how to defend yourself and then tomorrow I'll show you some offense, how does that sound?" Kuina recommended as she made her way over to the dojo area.

The two girls trained for about an hour, mainly focusing on defense techniques in hand to hand combat. Kuina taught Takara how to block incoming punches as well as how to block attacks coming from above or below.

"You seem to be a natural at this!" Kuina was impressed with how quickly Takara had been picking up on Kuinas instructions.

"I've got to admit that this is pretty fun" Takara smiled as the two of them carried on training.

Another hour passed and Kuina had moved on to more challenging moves as well as a few basic offense moves. Kuina had tired Takara out and it had only just hit lunch time.

"I think that's enough for today, should I be at your door bright and early again tomorrow?" Kuina asked, she was happy she finally found someone to train with, Chishiya had always declined her offers.

"I could never say no to you"

"I should hope so, you've got real potential and I'm gonna shape you into the beach's next best fighter!" She said while squeezing the very little arm muscles Takara had, both of them laughing as she did.

"Right I'm off to go find Chishiya, I'll see you later Takara!" Kuina stated while heading towards the door.

Takara thought about Chishiya, she hadn't seen him since last night. She was about to ask Kuina to go with her, but she stopped herself. She didn't want to come across as desperate, she knew Kuina had a feeling that she liked Chishiya and asking to go see him with her was a surefire way of making it very obvious.

Kuina had walked a few steps before turning around to speak.

"Do you wanna get some drinks later? I have a game tomorrow and I wanna enjoy what might be my last night here, gotta have some fun while I'm still here!" She called over to Takara.

Heart of a survivor × Chishiya ShuntaroWhere stories live. Discover now