Chapter Twenty Three

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Two days had passed, and Takara had been mostly spending her time with Kuina, the two of them meeting up with Chishiya every now and then. In the short amount of time of knowing each other, the two girls had grown quite close, knowing almost everything about each other. Kuina had confided her past to Takara, to which Takara responded with nothing but support and love towards her closest friend.

Takara had also told Kuina a lot about her life, only keeping one thing still a secret. Her crush on Chishiya had not yet been unveiled. She felt bad, keeping a secret from Kuina, but confessing could only lead to a situation Takara wouldn't be ready for.

During their time together, they had also progressed a lot with training. Kuina was confident that Takara was ready for more challenging training, with the possibility of moving onto weapons practice. This only excited Takara, knowing that the more she trained, the more it increased her survivability in the games.

Tonight she would face yet another game, and the daunting feeling of entering another one never faded away. The unknowing was always the biggest fear for Takara regarding the games, she never knew what she was about to face.

She got ready for her game quickly in her room, deciding on what to wear. Opting for something she could do strenuous, physical activity in was never a bad idea, so she picked out a plain black t-shirt with a long sleeved sports jacket over the top which hugged her figure. She paired this with some dark grey joggers and black trainers. She tied her hair back into a high ponytail, a few of her shorter front strands falling down which framed her face.

Now ready, she left her room and headed for the lobby. Once she had made it down, she went to find out which car she would be taking to the game arena.

While scanning the room for the group of people handing out the numbered slips, she saw a hooded figure leaning against one of the stone pillars nearby staring right at her. Chishiya gave Takara a wave as she approached him.

"Fancy seeing you here" Takara laughed while she came to a stop in front of Chishiya who gave her a smile.

"Are you playing tonight?" She asked, wondering why he was down here if not to play.

"My game was last night, I came down here to see you off" he stated, the same smile still on his face.

Takara felt a flutter of butterflies at what she had just heard, he came down specifically for her? She was still confused as to why he had been so good to her. Not that she was complaining.

"Thank you, you know I have a good feeling about tonight's game" she confessed, feeling ready to tackle the game head on.

Chishiya let out a small laugh at her eagerness, the girl in front of him had such a fascinating personality to him. Probably because they had quite harshly different views on the world.

"Even so, good luck Takara," the words left his mouth smoothly, that were oddly calming for Takara.

Noticing that people had started to leave for the games, she gave Chishiya a nod and a wave before heading back into the crowds. Not long after she left, Kuina came up alongside Chishiya and stood next to him.

"What are your plans for her Chishiya? I can't bring myself to watch her get hurt" she expressed her worries to him, not knowing what he had planned on using the girl for.

"For now, she could be used as a mole. If what you say is true about Niragi having... a fondness of her, then we can use that to spy on the militant side of the Beach" Chishiya explained, however the thought of Niragi getting close to Takara left a slight bitter taste in his mouth.

"Aguni keeps Niragi the closest to him, so there's no doubt he hears the most about the state of their side of things" he furthered his point, speaking quietly so that no one could overhear their conversation.

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