Chapter 6.5

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Location: Undisclosed for safety reasons.

Sometimes, very rarely, entities such as myself tended to, for the lack of a better word, fuck up. Luckily, I am powerful enough to do damage control. 

Now that I have admitted to having committed a mistake or blunder, the right thing to do would be to come clean to you lovely entities who have struck with this tale so far.

I can't believe it was just this morning when I had played Brams, or (as mortals would address him) The Supreme God, and messed up an already shitty situation. 

If I am being honest, all of it was Kamloon's fault. Why did he have to arrive outside my office unannounced? I mean, yes, I had asked the documents to be brought over as soon as they were ready, but had I specified where they had to be brought!?

That's right. I hadn't. So, can you blame me for stepping out of my private space- where I was most definitely doing work-related things- and signing the papers without checking them thoroughly?

You can't, am I right? 

That's what I thought. 

Anywho, when the ancient one left, I finished the (super important) work-related matter that I was watching, I mean, studying, and decided to go over the said document, which in this case was the deets of the contest Kam and Yao had planned for entertaining yours truly, aka me. 

Imagine my surprise when I noticed the first fuck up: the rules of the contest themselves were flawed and could get me, who had authorized it, into trouble. 

Initially, I thought that either on account of being new to TCHM or being unaware of the rules, Meng Yao had promised his stand-in, Wei WuXian, that if he won, he would be able to return to his own dimension, 96, if he had managed not to fall in love with Lan Zhan.  

This was impossible; once a mortal left his dimension, he could never return to it. Even if his soul somehow managed it, his body would fail to bear the strain. It would disintegrate into a trillion pieces!

The second fuck up was even more surprising, for it was made on Kam's end. He had asked Lan Zhan to end Wei WuXian's existence. Just as in all the mortal realms, to end one's existence was not a matter taken lightly by TCHM. The Gods weren't supposed to create conditions, unspecified by The Fates, that interfered with mortals' life spans. 

The last mammoth-sized error was one that both had committed.

Once a mortal's soul left their body, not even Brams could breathe life into that body. The bottom line, neither Wei Ying nor Lan Wangji could ever be brought back to life, at least not in their present bodies. Which sucked because they both had mighty fine bodies! 

Now you lovelies are curious about how I know about their bodies. That's a good question, and I will give you an answer…a little later. 

After going through the document, which could threaten my position, and without a doubt, rain down Brams' wrath on me, I snuck a peak at the managers' pawns. Intrigued, I ended up doing a background check on them. 

I had found something so terrible that for the first time in three centuries, I, the worst B in existence, wanted to help someone. Yes, you heard that right. I wanted to help these souls, who had, in every dimension, ended up losing the love of their lives. 

That is 107 times, damn it! 

I know. I know. There are 108 dimensions. But the 108th dimension is slightly different. 

As I was saying, what the fuck was wrong with the Fates? 

More specifically, what the fuck was wrong with Brams!?

Why had he authorized this kind of destiny!?

As I mentioned earlier, I am not a very nice entity. I may look human to most TCHM employees, but I am anything but. I do have a heart, at least, that's what I call the organ responsible for my continued existence, but it has hardened over time. Despite that, as I had watched the two men, one on 69 and the other on 96, deal with their personal losses, I couldn't stop the red liquid from wetting my cheeks. 

Lan Zhan, a shy recluse with a terribly lonely childhood, had unexpectedly 'caught the feels' for a boisterous yet lovable flirt: Wei Ying. However, in an unfortunate turn of events, the young lad lost him, ending the brief spell of joy the arrival of Wei Ying had cast. 

The young cultivator's life once again turned colorless. The youngster shut his heart to the world, and for sixteen years, he roamed the lands ridding it of evil and injustice, alone and miserable. 

Then one fine day, he accidentally crossed paths with the boy he had thought was dead. Now grown, Wei Ying had returned armed with demonic cultivation skills, which he planned on using to fight the injustice that plagued the lands. 

Not wanting to lose Wei Ying again, Lan Zhan, who had failed to confess his feelings and to protect him the first time around, vowed to take care of him for the rest of his days. The cultivator fought by his lover's side against all and sundry to keep his love safe- from a well-designed trap laid down by the now-manager-96, Meng Yao! 

Things finally started falling into place, you see? Obviously, Meng Yao wanted to see Wei Ying and Lan Zhan in pain. After all, the Grandmaster, that's what Wei Ying was famously called, was partly responsible for the end of his mortal existence.

Anyways, in the end, the two finally found happiness. But guess what? The freaking Fates didn't let it last. And just yesterday, merely seven months since the lovers had found happiness, Wei Ying ran into trouble; overpowered by evil forces, he succumbed to his injuries just seconds before Lan Zhan arrived. 

I mean, come oooon! And here I was, thinking I was the baddest egg the dimensions had ever seen! 

In 96th, Wei WuXian's life wasn't any better. Growing up in an orphanage, he had had the unfortunate pleasure of getting adopted by humans who had sold their souls to the devil, metaphorically, of course. There is no devil. Just me. 

Anyway, WuXian's already miserable life turned into a living hell as he was abused, both physically and sexually, by his adoptive parents. It was because of his never-say-die attitude that had helped him escape the prison he had called home within a few weeks. After that, he spent the rest of his young life in the orphanage till he got his first gig as a flute player in a club and left the establishment for good. Long story short, he was eventually picked up by a big-shot label, and shortly after that, he became a star. But with fame came fans; one thing led to another, and the old memories he had buried deep in his subconscious started playing havoc with his mind.

That's how he had met Lan Wangji, his psychiatrist. The two fell in love instantly, but due to fear of being judged and hated by society on Wei WuXian's end and the medical code that forbids doctors' involvement with their patients on Lan Wangji's side, the two started a secret affair. 

Finding the love of your life must be wonderful; I have never had that pleasure. Oh, please don't feel bad for me. Being single is a choice I have embraced. I love myself too much to share all this awesomeness with anyone else. 

A lesson I learned from their love was that love is a magical thing. Its power is so immense that it can heal wounds that time has failed to seal. That's what happened to Wei WuXian, and soon, he was all better. Finally, the lovers had found what they had been missing all their lives: peace and love. 

And that's when, my lovelies, the Fates fucked them over. 

How is that fair, ha!?

Most of you must have figured out by now that Lan Zhan from 69th is none other than Lan Wangji from 96th, and Wei WuXian from 96th is Wei Ying from 69th.

If I started to narrate all the atrocities committed by the Fates on the poor souls in the rest of the 105 dimensions, it would take me ages. That's time we don't have. 

Anyway, you get the picture. Right? 

And that's how, my lovelies, I decided I wouldn't let the two suffer anymore. At the very least, I would give them a chance at a new beginning. 

Unfortunately, things didn't really go as I had planned.

Chapter Word Count: 1460
Word Count so far: 12833

In the name of love || ONC2023On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara