Meeting the Parents and More.

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"What do you want?" I asked, looking around me for a face, a figure- anything that the voice belonged to. 

"I have unfinished business with you, Pink." The voice said. Around and around I turned and looked only to stop when I saw a figure in the distance. 

"Quit hiding!" I shouted, clenching my jaw and fists.
"Oh, such a brave one now." The voice spoke, I froze as it came from behind me, a shadow over me. Slowly looking up I gasped when I was met with a pair of yellow eyes, along with a slim face with high cheekbones and a strong jawline. The face was framed with long slick black hair with golden beads placed along some pieces of hair. "Why the strange form, Pink?" He asked. It was a male. That was confirmed- I had a feeling but didn't want to assume. 

"I'm not gonna ask again- who the hell is 'Pink'?" I glared, I wouldn't be scared of him. This was a dream, nothing here is real. 

"You can't fool me. I don't know what kind of games you're playing but I'll go along with it." He reached out a hand towards me, my eyes widened and I couldn't move. His finger touched my forehead.   "Let's remind you who I am." He smirked, his teeth shining white against his black lips. My vision went dark and I couldn't feel anything around me. 

Everything went dark with a hint of red. 

"(Y/n)! Where are you?" I flinched when the red tint of color was snapped away. Blinded by the bright light overcoming my vision, only to be met with Amethyst- but she looked different. "There you are! Come on!" She smiled as she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the front door. 

Wasn' t I in my room? 

Raising a brow I noticed my eyes met the back of Amethyst's head- which was odd since I haven't been this short since- oh my god, am I six again?! 

"But it's my turn to count and find you!" I pouted. Amethyst giggled and we met the gems, dad, and mom on the beach. "Dad! Mom!" I shouted, running towards them- Dad opens up his arms and catches me in his arms. We fall together and everyone laughs. 

This was a memory. 

"What is this?" Black asked, I flinched and looked next to me. There he stood at what I assumed was his full height, seven feet and some inches, looking confused. 

"I told you… I don't know who Pink is." I lied, but he didn't need to know that. 

"I see that… However, that doesn't explain why I sense her in you." Black said, bending down- his face an inch away from mine. "I'll have my answer soon." He whispered. 

"What?" I asked, but before he could answer I was pushed back by some kind of force. Black got smaller and smaller and the next thing I knew my eyes shot open and I'm staring at the ceiling in my room. My breathing was heavy, my hands and legs shaking- my skin covered in a  thin layer of sweat. 

"(Y/n)?" I shot up from bed and looked over to my bedroom door, there was Steven- his hair messy, his skin and clothes dirty. 

"Hey… why are you wearing a skirt- is it made out of leaves?" I asked, squinting my eyes. He nods and walks over to me, I slide down my bed and make room for him. He takes a seat and folds his hands in his lap. 

"Pearl said you've been asleep for a few days." Steven said, I look over to the open door and spot a peeking Pearl- who quickly ducks out of sight. 

"How long?" I asked. Looking at my night stand to see my clock- five fifteen p.m. 

"... five days." Steven whispered. I choked on my spit, patting my chest and rubbing my head. Five days… I was trapped with him in my mind for that long? 

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