Part 14

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I swear if you dont kiss me right now matt.

his lips crash into mine. after a second I kiss back.

chills go down my spine.

he kissed me hard and passionate. like ive never been kissed before

he pulled away and looked at me I craved more "im sorry I dont know what got into me I-" I pull him back in and kiss him then pull away.

"goodnight matt. be careful" I say stepping away and into the door of the house.

I shut it quickly and lock it putting my back against in. I look in front of and there stood Ella with her arms folded. she smirked at me.

"Im tired I think im going to bed" I fake yawn and head to my room. "absolutely not" she says and comes and drags me out. we sit on the couch and turn on a movie and she turns to me "your one stupid bitch you know that! you didnt want to fall for him and look at you kissing him" "he kissed me first" "Im just saying your the one that said you didnt want to fall for him and look at you! as long as your happy though babes" she said. I didnt speak.

then my phone dang

elton- i dont know what you did to matt but he came up in here flustered.

I showed Ella what the text said and she laughed 

we ended up falling asleep on the couch.


I woke up to a phone call. I answered "hey y/n we need you tonight please come into work" "ill be there in 20 minutes" I groan getting off the couch. I walk into my room and rummage through my things to find teal scrubs to wear.

I pulled them on and fixed my hair into a pony tail. I grabed my keys "where you going?" Ella ask "work" I say "what time is it?" she ask. "7" I say checking my phone.

we had only been asleep for 4 hours and I was still exhausted.

I grabbed a snack out of the fridge and with that I left.

after the 15 minute drive I walked into the hospital.

I walked to the elevator and went up to start my shift.


I worked 15 hours and its 9pm. I was exhausted my back and feet hurt.

I went back down the elevator and walked towards the hospital entrance to leave when I heard a familiar yelling that brought back bad memories.

I look into the nearest room and laying in the bed yelling was none other than Micheal. I rushed past the room "I demand to see y/n! I know she's here!" I heard. I rushed out the hospital and hurried and got in my car.

I saw a car on with no head lights on and someone sitting inside.

I pulled out and went down the road. I saw this car pull out also.

after a few minutes of trying to make myself think that they weren't following me I turned down the road to Ellas house and they were right behind me.

I picked up my phone and called Ella she picked up immediately "hey" "hey Ella I think im being followed" I say panicking. "im sure its just a coincidence" she says. "well im currently going down the road to your house and there right behind me." "well keep going and try to loose them and then hurry and get back home ill leave the door open" "okay" "but were going to stay on the phone incase anything happens" she says. "y/n thinks theres someone following her" I hear Ella say "who's there?" I laugh "Corbin" she says. "oh hey Corbin" "hey y/n" he laughs.

after driving a little bit I think I lost them.

"you alright y/n?" Corbin ask "yea im about to pull into the house" I say

I pull in and hangup and grab my things and run into the house shutting and locking it behind me.

"well damn thats not how I wanted to end my night" I say as they look at me. they were sitting on the couch.

I got to my room and put my things down.

"what even happen?" Ella ask as I walked into the kitchen. I looked through the fridge and grabbed some things to make a salad

"I had finally gotten off at 9. I headed out and I heard none other than our favorite person yelling. I rushed by and he started yelling to see me. I rushed out and to my car and saw that a car was sitting there with its lights off. when I pulled out it did too and I thought maybe it was a coincidence but then they got closer and made every exact turn so thats when I actually got scared" I say as I grab my bowl of salad and a drink out of the fridge

"now im going to watch a movie and going to bed" I say walking out "oh and matt wants you to text him back" corbin says. "no thanks" I yell shutting the door to my room.

I turn on a movie and begin eating.

I haven't talked to matt since last night ive been ignoring him. I dont want to talk. I dont want to talk about what happened. my feelings or anything because I know this cannot happen between us because of my circumstance. that dont need to be his problem too.

after I finished eating. I went to the bathroom and ran a hot bath and got into relax.


I layed In bed and got comfy under the covers. this will be the first night ive slept alone in a week. I continued to watch my movie and try to fall asleep.


I woke up from a crappy sleep to my phone buzzing. it was matt calling me.

I watched it ring kind of feeling bad but I couldn't tell me that I was pregnant and ruin this but im already ruining it by not responding.

then my phone dang again.

it was the gorupchat with the boys going off.

they were talking about there next trip and how they were leaving tomorrow.

I tried to fall back asleep


*1 week later*

it had been 1 week since I kissed matt. the boys were out of town filming.

I had slept like shit all week but last night I didnt sleep to bad.

I have been extremely nauseous all week

Ella left earlier this morning for her shift at the restaurant in town she works off and on when she pleases.

I was laying in bed scrolling on YouTube on the comments on our last video.

everyone seemed to like it there was a lot of comments about loving matt and Ella and I and hoping to see us in future content.

I then was deep into instagram when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach it was uncomfortable and I had never felt it before.

after a few seconds it stopped. I got off my phone and Layed there.

"come on baby lets not do that again" I say to my stomach rubbing it.

I got up and slowly walked to the kitchen. I looked through the fridge and my stomach started to cramp.

I grabbed something to drink as my cramping started to ease.

I decided to go lay back down for a little bit.


the cramping went on for a while and then finally stopped I was starting to get worried.

the doorbell rang.

I got up and walked slowly to the front door "who the hell is at the door" I say opening it

"hey y/n"


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