Part 16

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The next morning I layed in bed all alone.

The door opened and Ella walks in "good morning mama" she say. I throw a pillow at her

"Your friend out here is getting on my nerves" she says throwing the pillow back a me.

I laugh a little at her and she walks out.

I get up and walk out to see matt sitting on he couch along with Corbin and Ella in the kitchen

I meet Ella in the kitchen she was making yogurt with granola "oo can I please have some of that?" "no" Ella says. "ah rude" she passes me a bowl of it.

I go and sit beside matt and the couch. Ella comes and sits down too beside Corbin and they were all watching criminal minds.

"good morning beautiful" matt whispers and kisses my temple "good morning"


we were still sitting here watching tv a couple of hours later when the door bust open.

"so none of you guys can answer a phone call or text?" Elton ask. we all look at each other Corbin pulls his phone out and so does matt. "my phones in my room" Ella says. "me too" I say.

I look over matt shoulder to see what he was talking about when Brandon, corey, Evan, and Anna walk in the door a little behind elton.

as soon as I see her I roll my eyes.

"were leaving today?" Ella ask. elton nods. "yea so get yours ass's up and pack" Elton says.

"but isn't that in LA?" I ask "yea but were gonna get a hotel probably and stay in it so just pack something to wear tomorrow or something"

matt gets up and grabs my hand. I stand up and he stretches as we walk to my room to pack an outfit

"Why you look like you don't wanna go" Matt ask
"I don't" I say putting some shorts and a shirt on the bed "then why don't you stay home?" He ask coming over to stand in front of me.
He looks me in the eyes "because I don't wanna stay alone what if something happens?" "nothings going to happen" matt says "and also not letting little miss Anna be alone with you" I mumble walking into my bathroom. I shut the door and turn the shower on. I get in and enjoy the hot shower

I get put and put on some leggings and a black shirt.

I pulled on my vans and then brushed my hair and teeth. I put my hair in a messy bun.

I walked out of my room and see only Anna sitting on the couch.

"oh hey" she says looking up from her phone "hi?" I look at her confused. "you're wearing that?" she ask. "um yea? whats wrong with it?" "oh nothing" she laughs I roll my eyes at her. "do you have a problem with me or something? just a week ago im pretty sure you was trying to come to my house and stay" I ask opening a bottle of water from the fridge

ellas bedroom door open and her and Corbin walk out "we are besties what are you talking about y/n must be that pregn-" she says in a high pitched voice Ella looks from Anna to me "what'd you just say?" I ask going over to the couch "I said you mustve forgot" she says trying to laugh it off.

matt, elton, Brandon, and corey walked through the front door. "woah whats going on" matt ask coming up in front of me "thats not what she said" Ella says I look at her over my shoulder.

Anna was still sat on the couch with matt standing inbetween her and I

"this isn't gonna work out is it?" Brandon laughs walking over to us. "I heard the whole thing. she puts on this little act around everyone but when it was just Anna and y/n she was a bitch" Corbin says and I bust out laughing. matt looks at me and smiles. "what did she say?" he whispers. "she said it must've been my pregnancy brain. well she didnt finish what she was saying its like she realized whats she had said how does she know?" I whisper back "she dont I dont know why she even said that" he says. he looks me in the eyes "its ok" he says.

"okay guys lets get this show on the road people" elton says. I roll my eyes at his comment.

I walk to my room. grab the bag that has matt and I's extra clothes in it and grab my phone, charger and a hoodie.

I walk to the living room Ella was standing there with corbin and matt. matt had on some khaki pants and a long sleeve shirt with a hoodie with his hat on backwards.

Ella had leggings and a t-shirt on like me and Corbin had jeans and a jean jacket on.

Ella brought me into a hug and we laughed. "y'all ready?" corey ask.

we all followed them out to the car Ella locked the door behind us. "what are we even going to do till night time its the middle of the day?" Ella ask. "I dont know we will figure it out"


it was not night time and we were walking down the street to the Cecil hotel that were going to be exploring tonight.

we talked to the people there and then we went outside to start the video but matt went inside because he had an idea or whatever.

we walked across the street and met up with Josh from exploring with josh.

I stood between Ella and elton.

Evan pressed record "whats up everybody welcome back to tfil. were on our 25 week exploration paranormal adventure video series" he starts the video.

"I think we are well over 25 weeks" Brandon says. "yea and none of us are possessed yet" josh says. "that we know of" corbin says. "yea that we know of" corey says. "we are joined by josh" elton gestures to josh. "and our pretty faces again Ella and y/n" he says and Ella and I wave to the camera in sync and then laugh. "and this is a new face name Anna" elton says she was stood by josh she smiles I look at Ella and roll my eyes.

"as you can see we are at the stay on main well its the Cecil it just got renamed" "oh yeah" corbin says. "we are the 2nd people that have all access to the building" elton says. "like every room?" Ella ask "and the roof?" I ask knowing the story of Elisa lamb.

"we will have two very well known ghost hunters with us patty and Linda. they are both coming were going to be having two different investigations" elton says.

after talking for a little bit we head to the entrance of the Cecil.

the sliding doors were shut. I stayed out of the way along with Ella. Anna was all in the camera.

"corey do you know the secret Cecil knock?"elton ask. "you wanna help me Corbin?" corey ask. as they begin knocking on the door. "that was really good" Brandon says.

then josh tried to do a handstand and knock but it didnt really work out for him

thats when the doors opened.

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