Chapter One: The Dragon's Call

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Merlynn // Chapter One: The Dragon's Call

No young woman, no matter how great, can know her destiny. She cannot glimpse her part in the great story that is about to unfold. Like everyone, she must live and learn. And so it will be for the young warlock arriving at the gates of Camelot. A girl that will, in time, father the legend. Her name: Merlynn


Merlynn was all set to go to Camelot, apart from one thing, she lacked answers, apart from, and she quoted her mother: "To learn to control your abilities." But how would sending her to a place where she couldn't do magic altogether help? She would never know, but she trusted her mother regardless so she agreed to go and find Gaius, who was like an uncle to her. She hoisted her bag over her shoulder. "Are you sure you have everything?" Hunith, her mother asked worriedly, Merlynn nodded mutely. Hunith pulled her into a hug, Merlynn rested her head on her mothers, if there's one thing peculiar about Merlynn that isn't her ears, and magic of cause, it's her height. She was about a foot taller thanher mother and Hunith wasn't sure where Merlin's height came from, it wasn't from her and certainly not her father, ok it might be from her father but it still remained a mystery. "Make sure you send a letter as soon as you get there." Hunith said brushing Merlynn's dark brown hair over her ear, it only flopped back over her blue eyes. 

"I will," Merlynn promised. Hunith sighed in frustration, at this Merlynn grinned a cheeky 'I know what your thinking' grin. "Why I ever let you cut your hair is a mystery to me." Hunith said with a shake of her head. Merlynn's grin widened, she leaned in and pecked her mother on the cheek while her left hand picked up a piece of rolled up paper and an envelope on the table beside them she took a step back and turned to leave, but not before saying one last 'I love you.'

Merlynn jumped on a fallen and stood, tall and alert, like a meerkat. Reason for this? Her friend a boy named Will was creeping around this part of the woods, his original plan was to scare her but she got a heads up from his mom, she said he was going to 'stalk his prey and kill her with water' he should remember to NOT tell his mum his plans. There was a rustle of someone moving around. Here he comes she thought. Splash! Merlynn stumbled back In shock, drenched in icy cold water, she shook her head like a dog after a swim. Will laughed, and Merlynn stared gobsmacked, "But-" she pointed in the direction she heard him coming from only to see a young boy scurrying back towards the village.  

"Four point for team Will Four points for team Merlynn, it's a draw." She said when Will finally calmed down. he sat down on the fallen tree, still grinning like an idiot. Merlynn sat down next to him. "Couldn't let you leave in the lead now could I?" He asked. She rolled her eyes. "Would it damage your ego?" She asked in a slightly taunting voice. It was Will's turn to roll his eyes. Then his faced turned serious, well as serious as Will could get, which wasn't very, mind you. "I'm gonna miss you." he said. She nodded. "I'm gonna miss you too." Merlynn replied, then eyed the horizon or what light you can see through trees. Merlynn jumped down from the tree followed by Will. They said their goodbyes and Merlynn set off again, for real this time and with one purpose only, make it to camelot before nightfall.


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