Chapter Five: Come Alive!

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Merlynn's feet padded lightly against the stone ground, flames heating up her face as she made her way to the Dragon's Cave, torch in hand. She halted, glancing around, she took a deep breath before shouting into the darkness. "Where are you?" Her voice echoed and bounced off of the covers walls. "I just came to tell you: whatever you think my destiny, whatever it is you think I'm supposed to do, you've got the wrong person! That's it. Goodbye." She turned to leave.

"If only it were so easy to escape one's destiny." Boomed the dragon's voice, echoing and reverberating around the cavern. "How can it be my destiny to protect someone who hates me?" She asked.

"A half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole. Very soon you shall learn that." Merlynn, was admittedly confused. "Oh, great." She groaned. "Just what I needed, another riddle." The dragon ignored her opting to continue his riddle. "That your and Arthur's path lies together is but the truth." Merlynn's free arm, the not gripping the torch flailed. "What is that supposed to mean?" She demanded "You know, young warlock, this is not the end. It is the beginning." Merlynn sputtered angrily, before taking a deep breath, the dragon moved, it's great wings spreading and pushing lifting him into the air, the force putting out the torch. "Just give me a straight answer!" Merlynn screamed at it's retreating back. Before screaming in frustration, before stalking back up to the surface. In fact, she didn't stop until exhausted fell over her in the main square, and she practically collapsed on the steps.

"Hello, Merlynn." Gwen said softly, approaching the taller woman. She looked up as Gwen sat next to her. "All right?' She asked. Gwen didn't answer, instead, she jumped into her question. "Is it true what you said about Valiant using magic?" Merlynn sighed, leaning back before nodding.

"What are you going to do?" She asked. Merlynn looked at her, eyebrow raised. "Why does everyone seem to think it's down to me to do something about it?" She asked, confused. "Because it is! Isn't it? You have to show everyone that you were right and they were wrong."

"And how do I do that?" Merlynn asked. Gwen deflated, shyness seeming to come back.

"I don't know." She says. Merlynn sighed, letting her head fall, before looking up once more. "Neither do....I" She said trailing off at the end, as she stared at a large statue of a dog. "That's it." Merlynn climbed to her feet heading to the dog,

"Where are you going?" Gwen asked as Merlynn tried to lift the stone dog. "Do you have a wheelbarrow?" She asked looking at Gwen.


Gaius would admit, that weird things happened, even before Merlynn and her almost concerningly tall frame, lanky limbs and mischievous grin turned up at his doorstep, and he was soon to learn that Merlynn wheeling a dog statue into her room, was one of the lesser of weird things she'll do, but never less he called out to her questioningly. "What are you doing with that?"

"I'm going to let everyone see the snakes for themselves," Merlynn replied, she grinned and pulled the wheelbarrow up the stairs, before closing the door behind her. Gaius decided it was best to leave her be, as Merlynn grabbed the magic book out from under the floorboards and frantically flipped through the pages hoping to find the correct spell. It took longer than she would have wished, but as soon as she found it, she seated herself and started chanting.

Bebay odothay arisan quickum. Bebay odothay arisan quickum. Nothing, she settled in for the night, she was going to do this, even if it took her all night.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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