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Sidney walked into Beetee's place of work, unsure what to call the area. She would consider it a weapons vault of sorts, although there were more deconstructed weapons laid out on the tables rather than usable ones.

Sidney had gotten much healthier very quickly. Her skin wasn't back the same as it was before since she had barely seen the sun, but it was definitely a natural shade for her. Her eyes were no longer sunken and most of the bruises had healed, and she had gotten back to working out and was almost as strong as she was before.

Sidney found Beetee hard at work, his glasses on his face and a light shining down toward his hands as he fiddled with something over one of the many metal tables. She walked around him and his wheelchair to see what he was working on, putting together an arrow, one Sidney assumed was for Katniss. Beetee looked up at the woman and smiled as she stood in front of him, fairly confused as to why he had called her in to see him.

"Sidney!" He smiled. "Perfect. I wanted to show you something I was working on." He then rolled away from the arrow, leading Sidney to a different table. He brought her to a table at the far wall, wheeling up to it and spinning around to face her. Sidney's eyes darted across the table, scanning over the beautiful weapons that lay there.

Beetee picked up a spear, handing it to Sidney. She smiled at the weapon, stepping away from the table and spinning it around in her hands. It was lightweight, but still heavy enough to make it hit a target when thrown. The sharp spearhead was large and iron. The object looked deadly, striking fear into anyone who came face to face with it.

Sidney ran her hands down the spear, whistling lowly. "It's beautiful, Beetee," She then beamed.

"Yes," Beetee nodded. "And it will strap to the back of your armor."

"Armor?" She raised her eyebrows, putting the spear back onto the table.

Beetee sighed, nodding. "We are going to war, Sidney. And you may have to be a soldier."

"I won't fight for Coin," Sidney spoke, sighing. "But I am willing to fight for Katniss." Beetee gave Sidney a small smile, admiring the woman's loyalty and ability to judge good character.

Sidney noticed a rectangular ridge on the side of the spear where her hand would usually be. Beetee took note of what she had seen. "This is what really makes this spear different from any you've seen before." He told her.

"How so?"

"You see how that glove has the same thing?" Beetee asked, he pointed at the right-handed glove next to it that she hadn't noticed. It was black and went up to the knuckles but had the same silver rectangle in the middle of the palm and a similar silver button on the inner-side of the pointer finger's knuckle. Sidney nodded her answer to Beetee's question. "With a push of that button you can bring the spear right back to your hand."

A look of disbelief came across Sidney's face. "No way." She grinned.

Beetee smiled, nodding. "Go ahead, try it." She raised a brow. "Really."

Sidney put on the glove and grabbed the spear, walking over to the archery range. She stood in front of one of the colored targets, holding her spear up, ready to throw it. She took a long breath in and let it out, throwing her arm forward and releasing so that the spear flew through the air, hitting the middle of the target.

Sidney then held her hand forward and pressed the button with her thumb, taking very little effort but not being easy enough for her to do it by accident. The spear dislodged from the target and flew into her hand at a vertical angle, landing perfectly and causing her to stumble back only in the slightest, which she could easily get used to.

Sidney's eyes went wide in shock as she began to laugh a bit in surprise and excitement. She went back over too Beetee, looking like a child on Christmas. She forgot how much she loved throwing.

"Beetee, you've truly outdone yourself," Sidney grinned while nodding, looking at the spear while holding it with both hands. "This is amazing."

The man shrugged. "You're the one who threw it."

"Thank you," Sidney smiled. "I just hope I'll never have to use them." Sidney ran her hand over the pole of the spear, falling deep into thought.

"Sidney, we both know that war is upon us," Beetee spoke. "But are you in the right mindset to fight? You survived two games and torture from the Capitol. We both know your mind has been unhinged for a while."

Sidney looked over at Beetee, giving him a smile within a sigh. "I appreciate your honesty, Beetee," she began. "And trust me, I have thought of these things too. But every night when I went to sleep while I was in the Capitol, my eyes closed and I saw my worst fears. I was back in my first games, bleeding out. I was holding my partner dead in my arms. My attempted killers invaded my nightmares and it seemed like no one could save me. Until I was taken from the Capitol and I was reunited with my friends. Ever since then, I have been able to sleep." Sidney paused to take in Beetee's look of confusion. She explained. "I know Finnick will fight in this war and if I don't and he dies, I will never forgive myself because I wasn't there to save him. . . . I am willing to fight for the rebellion."

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