Chapter two

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My alarm rang, and I got up to get ready. I don’t really care how I look like, I have more important things to worry about.

I struggle to get dressed since my stomach is bruised and I’m hurting. I chose to wear a long-sleeved shirt and jean knee-length shorts with my Jordan 4’s. I brush my teeth, fix my hair, and went to the kitchen. My parents are sleeping, which means I have to be quiet, I made myself some coffee and ran out of the house because it was 7.35. My best friend is waiting outside for me.

I got in the car and she drove us to school. As we got out of the car, she spoke.

“Hey, aren’t you hot wearing long sleeves?”, She asked, eyeing me up and down.

“No bro It felt kind of cold when I got up. Now I’m just fine.” I lied, I’m burning.

“Hope you didn’t catch a cold or something.”

“Yeah, that would suck.”

My best friend has no idea about the beatings, I never told anyone. It is hard to open up only for them to look at you with pity. I can’t have her worried about me. She already has her own problems she doesn’t need mine as well.

We entered the school and went towards our first class where we will get our schedules from. We sat all the way to the back and immediately started joking around until the bell rang. The teacher came in, a male one, and gave us our schedules. He also explained stuff about the classes and answered questions. BORING.

Charlie and I looked at our schedules, and they were okayish. We have math, English and pe together. I also have Biology and Science, while instead she took Economics and advanced English. I hate English more than any other class, even pe. The bell rang. We moved on to our second class since we missed the first period. It is math, so I was happy to be with Charlie.

Again, we sat at the back of the class, but this time, we remained quiet for the whole class. It was a bit boring but important. After the bell rang, we went to separate ways, I have Biology, and she has history, and after that, we have lunch break together, then PE and last one English. It is an interesting class and I managed to pay attention. The lunch break passed quickly, and before I knew it, we were on our way to meet our new PE teacher.

I hate PE so much, I’m not an athletic person at all and with all the beatings and the little food I get I’m not capable of doing too many things, so I’m hoping whoever the teacher is that they would go easy on us.

Soon after we reached the gym, we heard a whistle and a woman’s voice asking us to keep quiet. She is in her mid 40’s and she looks intimidating. She didn’t introduce herself, and she asked us to run 5 times around the gym. Everyone groaned, and she threatened to fail whoever didn’t try, so we all started running.

I’m on my third lap, but I start feeling dizzy and exhausted, I must have looked awful because she approached me and told me it is okay to stop if I’m not feeling well.

So, I did, I sat down at the bench, closing my eyes, trying to catch my breath, I was sweating like crazy with my long sleeved shirt. After we finished, we made our way to the class.

As I’m walking someone bumped full force into me, throwing me to the ground. I felt every single part of my body aching.

“What the fuck? Are you blind or something?” I yelled and looked up.

“Watch where you’re going fucking Dyke.” Jason said.

I got up and pushed him, feeling my anger rising.

“Fuck off asshole.” I said while he stumbled a little.

He tried swinging at me, but I ducked, and he lost his balance and fell. People around us start laughing and so do I.

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