5. woman with no name

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OUR FOOTSTEPS ECHOED IN THE vacant halls as Ceallach dragged me to an unknown place in the palace we were now in.

               I was glancing around nervously, not knowing what to do, and inwardly panicking. I had just found out my father made a deal when I was a baby to give me off to faeries when I had grown up. Betrayal, sadness, and anger was in my heart, but fear was also there as I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do in this situation. Especially since I had no magic.

               Ceallach's army had disappeared to attend to other things, so it was only the two of us together.

"Stop walking slowly," he groaned as we rounded the hall, and I gave him a look.

                "I'm being forced somewhere against my will. I don't know how else you expect me to act," I stated, not holding back on my words even though everything in me was telling me to shut up.

               He ignored my outburst and then stepped by a door.

               "Wait here. If you wander off you'll be in trouble when I find you," he said, giving me a stern look before disappearing into the room.

                Once he was gone through the door I began to glance around, ready to run off regardless of his threats. I did not want to stay here.

               I began to head down the hall and I could hear whispering somewhere in the distance.

               Peaking my head around the corner I saw a man talking to a woman. The woman was wearing a purple silky dress, and it shaped her hourglass figure well. Her hair was honey blonde and fell down her shoulder in neat waves. She was staring over at the man in front of her with a serious expression, the two seeming to discuss something important. The man was the definition of tall, dark, and handsome, having an amazing build and wore a formal dark red suit.

               I softened my breathing as I listened to the two.

               "The Fallon family will be keen on keeping their family as head of the courts. I think they should be removed," the woman said, and the man just released a soft hum.

               "I'm not worried about them. Their time has come and gone," he said and she scoffed.

             "I really doubt that. If you're going to secure a place for Trystan you better have a plan. The Summer Court is bidding more towards Nolan than they are towards him," she said, giving him a look before quickly walking down the hall, and the man watched her do it silently.

              I turned around planning on heading in the opposite direction but then I bumped into someone. I released a small gasp, but that was quickly silenced by a hard slap to my face that sent me falling to the ground.

               Glancing up I stared at Ceallach who was gazing down at me with a look of disgust.

               "I told you to wait near the door. You mortals never listen," he said and I cried out when he suddenly kicked me in the stomach causing me to wheeze.

                I tried curling up into a ball but Ceallach grabbed my arm and forced me to my feet.

                "Disobey me again, next time it'll be worse," he said, grabbing my face tightly before letting it go.

                  There were footsteps behind us, and Ceallach straightened his posture as he eyed the man before us.

                "Lord Ruairc," he said respectfully. It was the man that had been talking with the women in the hall.

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