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The next few shows go by and now I'm in canada while Jack's on a roadtrip in the states. We've continued to talk and get to know each other and it's now been a week since we met in Jersey.

We've kept it friendly so far but do flirt and I'm definitely starting to like him more than a friend and the girls can tell. I've had a few days off since the show in Boston so I was able to catch his last game on the tv on the tour bus.

He got a goal and a few assists and they won, I even texted him a video of me cheering for him and he was happy I got to watch. "So when you get back I'll be on the road again" he says with a frown. "Oh did ya wanna see me or something?" I ask.

"Maybe" he answers with a slight smirk. "How long is that roadie?" I ask. He chuckles at my use of the word "8 days" he answers. I quickly check my calendar "it seems as tho I'm back a few days later" I say.

Our conversation is interrupted by nico reminding jack that they've gotta leave for practice so we say bye and hang up.

The image of his smile etched in my brain causing me to blush so I grab my pillow screaming into it "liv you good?" Emma asks. "Yup" I answer giving her a thumbs up.

She laughs "you like jack" she teases. "Shut up" I reply laying down. "Anyway we're going for lunch, wanna come?" She asks. "Yesss I'm starving" I answer jumping down from the bunk. "There she is" felicity says. "Very funny" I reply sarcastically.

I grab what I need to go and we leave the bus, a small crowd of fans already camping out for the concert later today so I go over to talk to them for a couple minutes and take some selfies before leaving with the girls.

We grab something quick to eat down the road before I have soundcheck. Rehearsals was earlier this morning and it went well. I'm doing a cover of sk8er boi tonight since I'm in Toronto.

Right as I step to grab the microphone my phone buzzes in my pocket and I sigh checking it.


Kick ass tonight


You too

I put my phone back in my pocket and go on stage for soundcheck. "Hey everyone" I greet the vip group. About 25 girls and a few guys. "Hows everyone today?" I ask them. "Good!" They answer.

After chatting for a couple minutes I start soundcheck and I do the cover on guitar then decide to switch it to the original instrumental and it goes well and the fans are excited.

"Before I came out here my lovely team had you write questions down so I shall answer them" i say sitting down on the stage with the bowl of questions.

My hand grabs a few but I drop all but one and read it to myself before reading it out loud. "What is your favourite hockey team? Uh as a new Jersey girl I've gotta say the devils" I answer. "Go jack Hughes!" Someone shouts. I look around "agreed!" I say.

They all laugh and I smirk moving onto the next question. "Favourite song to cover? Oh gosh uhhh I've done all too well a few times but I'd probably say haunted" I answer.

Gold Rush | Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now