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Sad to see this ending soon but so excited for coles story uh anyway enjoy!

I sigh as I put a sweater on and jack comes back in from the closet wearing his suit for the night "you sure you wanna come tonight? You're looking tired already" he asks.

"I want to jack I know I'm 7 and a half months pregnant but I wanna go" I reply. I honestly don't know how far along I am it's all gone by in such a blur. "Okay okay I'll stop asking" he says putting his tie on. "I'll stop going when I'm 8 months ok" I reassure him.

He nods "that's a good idea" he says. We finally get out the door and to the arena, he goes inside and I stay in the car for a bit until the other girls are here. We go straight to the suite once everyone's allowed inside.

While we wait for warmups I sit in the back snacking and talking to some of the wives and girlfriends then once warmups start lilly and I sit together and watch luke and jack warmup. "So you guys ready?" She asks. "Uh as ready as we can be with welcoming 3 babies" I answer.

She smiles "I know I'm also busy with my schedule but I will gladly help if you want" she says. "I'm sure they'll love having aunt lilly around" I reply with a smile. She smiles "I know neither of them have asked us but I've got a feeling it'll happen within the next year" she says.

"Yeah? What makes you say that?" I ask with raised eyebrows. "It's pretty clear how in love jack is with you and I'm sure you're dying to be mrs hughes" she answers. I blush and look down at jack, who is looking trying to find us.

I giggle once he's found us and I wave at him and he smiles happily. "I sure am" I say to lilly. "I am as well" she says with her eyes locked on luke. "You guys have been together awhile but society thinks it's weird for 19 year olds to be getting married" I reply. "Very true" she agrees.

We watch them warm up and then stand for the national anthems and then the game starts. For most of it we're sitting back and calm. They've been decent so far this season so theres really nothing to worry about.

Jack and luke both got goals in the first and second periods and by the third period it was 7-2. They're crowned the 1st and 2nd stars of the game and then lilly and I go down and wait for them to come out.

"So ready for christmas?" Lilly asks. "Yeasss I've gotten so many presents and I've done so much wrapping I'm glad I got the extra office turned into a wrapping room" I answer excitedly. "Do you have a writing room too?" She asks.

That is one thing jack had done without me asking. It's in the basement so I haven't been down there but I will soon. I've been inspired. "Yes I do" I smile. "That's amazing I'm happy to see you guys so happy" she says. "You and luke planning on any kids?" I ask.

She shrugs "not yet we're both still young and want to develope our careers before starting a family" she answers. "Honestly that's fair in the mean time you can be the fun aunt and uncle" I reply.

"Hell yeah I'm sure luke has no problem with that" she says. "I have no problem with what?" He asks playing with his wet hair. "Just being the fun uncle" she answers. "Just for now? Yeah" he says. "You can have practice with our three" jack jokes.

The four of us leave the arena and say bye in the parkade. The next time we'll see them is in a couple days for Christmas. Since we got the house we're gonna host Christmas and because thanksgiving was a success.

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