more headcannons because im covering up the fact i cbf writing

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except these are all written by danni bc im the laziest person alive

friday - everytime she walked home from primary school she would follow the stray cats and get lost

ian - when he was younger he would try and hang out with his older sister and her friend group who adored him and always spoiled him
(this bitch said in call the hc was gonna be him shitting himself on the first day of school but her pussy ass didn't include it)

melanie - she fell asleep on an airplane one time and nearly got flew to timbuktu before her father ran to get her

epstein - his mother was going to name him "enola" if he was a girl. she was gonna raise an emo baby REGARDLESS

drake - he REALLY tried to get into tennis before basketball, but it just wasnt working. he would just fling his arm out to smack the ball.

wai-yi - she had this really gross habit of collecting deformed foods and preserving them

rajiv - he always starts saying a phrase thats popular AFTER its died and he non-stop says it for WEEKS

susan - she crochets and the first thing she made was a beanie for wai-yi. wai-yi still wears it whenever they go out into town.

mirabella - miss pickles was a gift from her older brother before he left for a long business trip

trea - allergic to cat hair ☹️ does not stop her though

ty danni 🫶🫶🫶🫶
okay bye bye i'll force myself to finish chapter 4 of the hg au tmr i swear

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