silly little headcannons

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school is swamping me and subject selections are soon so updates are gonna be vv slow my apologies 😞 but anyways

- One of the main reasons why Ian is so attractive besides looks is that he actually has a nice sense of style and the boy can dress. He def doesn't wear basic stuff or isn't a 'pearl necklace' guy, like he actually has nice and interesting outfits and knows how to accessorise. 

- Friday wears very cool and silly socks. Like you think shes wearing a bland outfit and boom she lifts up the pant leg and you see frog socks.

- rajiv is also a style icon except almost every outfit he wears has some sort of spiderman tribute such as wearing red and blue or wearing a small pin or patch.

- going along with fashion, Mirabella is one of those pinterest girls that always pop up when people search stuff. 

- Susan dresses up Drake like a little doll and she frequently takes him shopping like he's her American girl doll LMAO

- When he was very young, Ian's mother would make him match outfits with her and she has like a big book of photos where his toddler self is wearing very posh and pompous outfits and little hats. 

- extra note to that one: Friday's one of those people who send random photos in her camera roll in groupchats and chats and one time she sent a photo she took of little ian in his matching outfit and got blocked for an entire week. 

-  Wai-yi fluctuates from fashion styles and enjoys having someone to try on and buy clothes with. 

- Mirabella and Trea's shopping outings are like sacred. Sacred. 

- After their first outing as a group to like the city or something, Friday and Trea got slurpees on their way to the train and ever since they always get slurpees after an outing (based on what me and my friend do after a city outing 🫶)

- Epstein initially started dressing the way he does just to piss off his dad but then he found it fun so he just continued ALTHOUGH if you catch him on a lazy day he looks vv bland.

- When Epstein first arrived at highcrest, he began painting a random boy he kept seeing in the halls that eventually became his muse. Then fast forward one day Rajiv is flipping through an old sketchbook of Epstein's and finds pages upon pages of paintings of himself. (cries)

- Susan and Drake is that couple that still get flustered around each other even though they've been together for like years

- also they're the "he asked for no pickles" 

- Friday gets pissed off so easily like she HATES group projects unless she's with melanie because if she's in a group and someone does something wrong/not how she wants

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- Friday gets pissed off so easily like she HATES group projects unless she's with melanie because if she's in a group and someone does something wrong/not how she wants.. shes going ballistic trust. Like she keeps getting asked to be a tutor for students and she tries her best but she has slipped up and curse words have been said during sessions

- addition to that, her and Ian can never do group projects because it ends up with fridays hands around his neck 

- Ian little shit agenda that always somehow finds a way to piss someone off/ Friday who gets pissed off so easily dynamic

- addition to THAT one, Ian has this one grin like this one specific mischievous grin that sends Friday into a frustrated spiral and she has to be restrained. 

- Wai-Yi is a gatekeeper to other gatekeepers. "Oh you want me to name 5 songs? Okay, hOW ABOUT I NAME ALL OF THEIR SONGS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER?.. okay now you do it." 

- Wai-Yi once caught Epstein listening to Charlie xcx and constantly brings it up

- Ian finds out he has an affinity to gardening and is insanely good at it and at first he detests it because gardening... his mother... bleh but then he uses it for good and grows stuff with susan and gives the things he grows as gifts to Friday. Such as fresh strawberries or flowers

- Epstein did at one point have that classic emo boy hair but his hair is naturally very fluffy and wild and he got too lazy to keep styling it so he just lets it be free. (Wai-yi calls him weak for this but tbh her hair is one bleaching away from falling off so tbh..)

- Rajiv sometimes forgets to talk like all day and people don't aks abt it because they know he does that sometimes but genuinely sometimes he just forgets to and he starts babbling in the middle of the night.

- Trea's a sweet addict like its a miracle she hasn't developed diabetes yet. 

- Ian cooks the way hannibal does minus the cannibalism idk it makes sense. (he's a pro chef)

- in addition to that Friday almost burned down the food tech lab because she got distracted thinking abt mysteries and she therefore got banned which means she has to sit in a corner for the entire class.

- I LITERALLY CANNOT REMEMEBR IF IVE SAID THIS BEFORE but besides the model hc I have for all of fridays siblings I imagine they have other jobs as like a side thing because they're all over acheivers. While also being models Quantum is a F1 racer, Orion is an actor, Quasar is one of those annoying Instagram influencers with her own brand and Halley is studying to be a mineralologist (this is on top of being crazy smart academics so good for them I think)

- Rajiv, Ian, and Drake are like attached to the hip in a way that they share clothes, carry each others stuff and can communicate without speaking. Like if Ian or Rajiv are hungry they ask drake cuz he always has snacks in his bag or they wear eachother's scarfs and get mixed up between them. 

- Also they had a secret handshake but they stopped when Ian got into his brooding era. They've never done it after that.

- mainly OC headcannons now so people can get a feel of them more!

- Niko is a chem genius and loves it

- Atlantis is quite shy but it's okay because he has Luke and Niko to talk for him 🫶

- Okay this isn't a hc but idk if anyone remembers Emerick but I made him into a low-key douche and now I miss him but it's okay bye Emerick

- Atlantis bruises easily 

- Amber needs glasses but she doesn't wear them so Hyemi acts as her eyes

- While they're lowkey toxic, Hyemi and Amber are good friends to each other but sometimes Hyemi falters. I like her though so I'm allowing for redemption

- not an OC but Delia is a personafied angel. the sweetest girl ever.

- Delia and Friday often have classes together and Friday will always help her with studying and in return Delia makes her little friendship bracelets. 

okay that's all goodbye I promise I'm trying to continue with my hg au

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