~ Chapter One: The Wayne Murders ~

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A few days after moving into the new apartment, the first day of work for Jim Gordon arrived. That morning, the family ate their breakfast and made small talk while getting their last items for the day together. "Be careful walking through alleyways. I heard those places are notorious for muggings," Barbara warned, finishing the last of her coffee. "That's why they give us tasers and guns," Jim stated. "Well, I need to clock in by 7:30, so I got to head out now." The detective adjusted his dark gray tie before placing a quick kiss on his fiancée's lips.

"See you later, Hols," He quickly embraced his daughter. But before he could take another step towards the door, Barbara stopped him in his tracks. "Jim, I'm gonna need you to take her with you," She explained. The twelve-year-old looked over at her mother confused. They were together all the time while her father was working. What was the sudden change in arrangements? "I'm meeting with designers for the gallery, so I can't keep an eye on her,"

"Barb, my job can get dangerous. And besides, I don't think Holly should be exposed to the violence at her age," Jim attempted to reason. "I could always stay at home!" the girl reasoned. "Besides, you shouldn't be more than a few hours, right?" she glanced to her mother. "Sweetheart, I know you're almost a teenager, but I don't like leaving you home alone. Maybe you two can grab some lunch on break? Spend some daddy-daughter time?"

As Jim was about to repeat his words of concern, Barbara gave him a look that silently said, "Just do it," and stopped them from coming out. "Alright. Let's go, Holly," he quietly sighed. Holly jumped down from her stool and grabbed her black backpack and sketchbook. With one final kiss goodbye, the father-daughter duo got into his car and sped off towards the GCPD.

"Listen, when we get inside, I need you to stay close to me, okay? I don't need to pummel any criminals that try to grab at you," Jim instructed, his gaze still focused on the road. "Don't worry, Dad. I'll be just fine," Holly reassured. The moment they stepped into the old building, a woman wearing a black skin-tight dress and gray jacket stood near the entrance, seemingly waiting for someone. "Detective Gordon?" she called out the moment she saw him. "Captain Essen. It's nice to finally meet you," Jim held out his hand, and she gave it a firm shake.

"Pleasure to have you join us. Follow me, and I'll show you to where you'll be working," Holly trailed close behind as Essen led them up the stairs to a small set of three to four metal desks, a few already occupied. Essen stopped at the last desk a foot or two away from the wooden railing, pulling back the black swivel chair. "If you ever need any assistance, my office is right there," She pointed to the double-windowed door. "Bullock, this is your new partner, James Gordon. Gordon, this is Harvey Bullock,"

The man at the next desk set down his newspaper and adjusted his hat. He said nothing to the new detective but nodded in acknowledgement before returning to his paper. Holly couldn't help but look over to his desk as the front headline caught her eye... CRIME WAVE OF THE CENTURY. It talked about one of the city's first crime waves of robberies and murders, calling for the GCPD's action to fight against it. "Geez..." Holly inhaled sharply as she read the gruesome details of one of the murders. "Jesus Christ!" Harvey jumped back in his seat as he caught sight of the young girl watching him.

"Damn, nearly had a heart attack... who's the kid?" He asked. "This is my daughter, Holly," Jim briefly introduced. "Hi, didn't mean to scare you," She apologized. But Harvey squinted at his new partner, wondering why on earth Jim thought it was a good idea to bring a child to a place that temporarily housed criminals. "You do realize this is not a daycare center, right?"

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