~ Chapter Forty Six: The Circus ~

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Tiredness wracked Barbara's body as she stumbled shoeless back to her apartment. It had been a long day with never-ending bus rides and delays to finally get home. She fumbled with her keys, tucking her heels under her arm as she walked in, and turned on the nearest lamp. Finally, home sweet home. Barbara sighed. "Jim? Holly? You here?" She called out. But to her surprise, neither of them answered. Maybe they were in a deep sleep and hadn't heard her? But when Barbara went to check Holly's room, the room was cleared out. All that remained was her stripped bed and her empty desk.

What the hell? Where are they? Barbara checked her room, and as she opened the closet, she was just as shocked to see most, if not all Jim's clothes were gone. But just as panic for her fiancé and daughter was about to set in, Barbara could hear faint chatter and followed the sounds into her living room. Even after Holly left, Selina and Ivy kept visiting the apartment and helping themselves to the snacks, living the high life.

"Hi," Selina spoke through a mouthful of cereal, breaking the awkward silence between them. "Do you know where Jim is?" Barbara asked. "He dropped off his keys like last week," Selina answered. "What about Holly?" Barbara inquired. "She's with him. But she did stay here for quite a while. She thought you weren't ever coming back," Barbara's eyes widened to the size of saucers. She had to admit, she had been gone for a while, but Holly should've known she'd be back soon. She had said so in her note!

"So, screw them anyway, right?" Barbara grumbled as she plopped down on the sofa next to Ivy. "Who are you guys?" Selina swallowed her mouthful of cereal before the kids introduced themselves. "We're Holly friends. She told us to make ourselves our home and help ourselves to the food," Selina said. Of course Holly did. The girl has a heart of gold. Barbara sadly smiled at the mention of her daughter. Her mind instantly went back to the last night she saw her. And as she remembered how she packed up her things and left while Holly was fast asleep, a twinge of guilt formed in her gut.

How could she leave Holly without saying goodbye? She must be devastated. It may have been months since they last spoke, but Barbara could only hope the most important people in her life would welcome her back with open arms.


The grin on Holly's face lingered as the day turned into night, and it only seemed to get better. Not long after the art contest ended, she was surprised with a Facetime call from Bruce congratulating her on her big win. And while their conversation may not have lasted long, it was worth seeing each other again. Not only that but during their celebratory lunch and time at the circus, Holly and Lee were getting along very well. Lee took a great interest in Holly's artistry, while Holly asked questions about Lee being the M.E.

Of course, there was the gorier and more graphic side to Lee's job, but to Holly, it was strangely fascinating. Holly happily skipped to their seats in the middle row as they gathered in the big tent to watch the show. As she munched on her cotton candy, she could see the pure joy on her father's face as he and Lee snuggled up together. And it warmed the young girl's heart to see him at his highest peak of joy.

Gasps and awes filled the tent as the Graysons flew through the air. Two men on the opposing sides of the tent swung back and forth across the trapeze. Holly had never seen it before, and it was a wonder how they were so flexible. She quickly grew dizzy with all the spins and turns as the Graysons continued to put on their show. "Ladies and gentlemen, The Flying Graysons! Show them your appreciation!" The ringmaster announced, gesturing to the Graysons as they all took their bows.

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