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I shiver slightly as the room starts to cool without the heating going. It's tough being cold, but I'm used to it, so if I can go without it then it won't be so expensive having me here. I won't be such a burden for Draino.

I feel bored even as I lie in bed, trying to stay warm. Even with these thick blankets and warm clothes, I still feel cold. Makes me wonder how I possibly survived in my old place with the thin walls and poor quality clothes.

It's still feels strange being here in a Franus home, in Drainos home. I can't really say I feel like I belong here, but I don't have anywhere else to go. If it wasn't winter, I could have spent more time looking for work and finding another place.

My hand goes to the collar, and I remember the one I had on my wrist. No, it wouldn't have worked... no one would have hired or housed me as a pet. Not when Draino is supposed to be caring for me.

Eventually, after a while, my stomach growls, and I groan, realizing a downside to my plan. I still need to eat. I could just go hungry, but Draino specifically said I need to at least eat some of the food he put out.

I sigh, shivering even more as I get up from under the blankets. It's cold now, all the heat gone since it's so cold outside. It's a bad winter this year...

I can just barely see my breath as I head through the hall and towards the kitchen. I grab the bowl of fruits he put out and go sit at my table. The seats are cold, but there's not much I can do about that.

It doesn't help my temperature when the cold berries go into my mouth. I chew and swallow a few anyway, not wanting Draino to be disappointed.

"Valor, why is it so cold in here?" I hear a voice say from the front door.

I didn't even notice him open it. I guess I was distracted. I can't see him yet, but his tone seems concerned and even a little annoyed.

I don't respond at first, waiting for him to come see me and that I'm fine. It's not the first room he comes to, I  guess that was my bedroom.

"Did the power go out? This temperature isn't safe for you to be in. you're more likely to get sick. " Draino calls from down the hall as he heads towards the kitchen.

His eyes meet mine as he comes closer, and he seems relieved to see me. I guess I must have scared him. I get up and walk over to show him I'm alright, but his eyes to the light above us.

It's on and has power going to it...

"I thought if I turned the heating off, then I could save you some money. Heating is so expensive, after all!" I say doing my best to be convincing.

His eyes return to mine, and the look he has is as though he's horrified. I frown, figiting with my fingers and moving on the spot. He sighs and heads to the thermostat. I follow behind him.

"Don't touch this, do you understand. I had it set to a safe temperature for you and the last thing I want is to come home to see you frozen, or for you to get sick" He says sternly as he turns it back on and puts it back in its slot on the wall.

It's silent for a moment as I shiver and wait for the room to heat up again. I guess it was a stupid idea, I'm too vulnerable to the cold as a Flita to handle something like that. I need everything handled for me like a good little pet.

"I'm sorry I won't do it again..." I mumble as I follow him back into the mixed dining and lounge.

He looks to my bowl of fruits and takes the remaining ones away, and puts them in the bin. I wasn't quite finished yet, but I'm not about to complain when he's unhappy with my behavior already.

A rough life for a human pet Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora