Welcome to Beacon Hills

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I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock, signaling me to prepare to go to hell.

I take a 12 minute shower and brushed my hair.

I realized I hadn't decided an outfit to wear the night before, so I picked an outfit by playing 'Iny Meany Miny Mo.'

Don't judge! We all still do that every once and a while!

After I got dressed, I smelt the mouth-watering smell of bacon!

If it wasn't for my werewolf senses I wouldn't have been able to smell it.

After I finished my breakfast, I grabbed my car keys and headed towards the car.

Right as I opened the door, Lydia stopped me.

We hadn't really talked that much since I moved in.

  "Hey Lydia," I greeted.

  "Hey KC, did you help yourself to some bacon," Lydia asked.

  "Yeah, thanks so much! It was delicious," I thanked Lydia and walked out the door.

       *Skipping the drive*

I arrived at school and as I walked in with the feeling I was being watched. I looked behind me and sure enough there was a good looking guy with Black hair, Leather Jacket, and him by his, I'm assuming it's his, Black 2010 Camaro.

He noticed I had seen him. Instinctively, I walked up to him. My inner wolf was pulling me towards him.

"Hey my name is KC, what's your name," I asked the handsome guy.

"Hi my name is Derek, Derek Hale"


 "Are you new to town," Derek asked.

"Yeah, I just moved here a couple of days ago," I answered.

My wolf was trying desperately to come out, but I had some control over her. Unlike many others of my kind.

Derek's POV

My wolf was practically crying 'Mate.' I couldn't understand. I felt like there was a connection with me and KC. I almost shoved her on the hood of my car and kissed her. It felt weird.

  "Well, I gotta go to class. Bye Derek," KC said as she left and snapped me out of my thoughts, "hopefully we can meet again soon."

"Yeah, Bye," I said.

I felt broken when she left. She was like my other half. I knew I fell for her at first sight.

As I drove to my burned up, old house, I kept thinking about KC. She was on my mind and I couldn't get her out. Her hair, body, smile,her everything! Only now did I realize she was a werewolf too, by her strong aura. She must had a lot of power to control her scent.

As I thought about her, I realized I was loosing control, my wolf was taking over. I couldn't control it like usual. I struggled with trying to keep control for about what seemed like an eternity, my wolf just slipped out. I was there in my full wolf transformation.

I began running in the direction of the high school.

My wolf was looking for KC, our mate. As I ran I continued to struggle and force my inner wolf to stop. Just about when I got to the school, I caught her scent. I shifted back and saw her sitting in Mr. Harris' room.

Great now I'm naked at the edge of the woods by a high school. God where has my life gone.


I walked out of Mr. Harris' class room. On my way to my car, I got a pull towards the woods, but was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when my new friends, Scott and Stiles, ran up to me.

 "Hey are you staying for Lacrosse practice," Stiles asked.

 "Yeah, and afterwards we could probably hangout at my place for a little while," Scott added.

 "Uhh... Yeah sure! Let me just text Lydia," I answered.

 "Oh you don't have to because she going to be there too," Scott blurted.

 "Yeah she goes to cheer on her boyfriend, Jackson," Stiles added sounding a bit jealous.

 "Well ok then," I agreed and started to head towards the bleachers.

            *Skip Practice*

After practice we drove to Scott's house and he told me about the weird things take has been going on since that night when he got bitten by the wolf-like creature. I hope it really was a mysterious wolf rather than a werewolf.

These boys don't deserve this life. Full of fearing of what the real world holds and hunters coming to kill you every chance they get.

We started looking for Scott's inhaler in the preserve when I felt another presents in the area.


I look up to see Derek and I smile at him. He smiles back slightly, barely noticeable.

 "Hey, what are you guys doing here," Derek asked,"this is private property."

 "Oh hey, sorry dude we didn't know! We were just looking for something," Stiles said.

Derek tossed Scott's inhaler and he caught it perfectly. Then Derek walked away.

 "Hey that was Derek Hale! You remember right, his family all burned to death in a fire like 10 years ago and he is only like a few years older than us," Stiles informed us.

After that encounter, I drove home and got into some Pajamas, ate dinner, then brushed my teeth and went to bed. Dreaming about a certain green-eyed, leather wearing, camero driving, mysterious Derek Hale. My Mate.

Angelic Wolf- Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now