Unexpected Guests

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After a long day of modeling spring dresses, I picked up the kids from Ava and the Pack's and we all headed back to my house.

When the twins came in the house they both growled and ran to the backyard. Me and the rest of the pack chased after them. When we go there we saw my 2 black wolf pups.

We followed their gaze and saw a guy with red glowing eyes. By his scent I knew who it was. Luna and Luke growled furiously and they both combined into one big black wolf with red glowing eyes.

"I see they got the alpha gene and the gift from birth," the mysterious guy said.

"What do you want Derek," I growled.

"What? I can't see my mate and my children?" Derek teased with a smirk.

"You didn't want them Derek!" I growled.

One of my betas, Julio, ran up to Derek and attacked him. Derek quickly grabbed Julio by the neck and pinned him down to the floor. The combined wolf attacked Derek and pinned him down.

"Luna, Luke that's enough!" I ordered.

They got off of him and ran back to their room and Ava followed them. 2 more of my betas attacked Derek but his betas attacked them.

"ENOUGH!!!" I roared. They all stopped. I walked up to Derek to confront him with my pack of 17 right behind me.

"You want to see them?" I asked.

"Yes" Derek replied.

"Fine" I said confidently.

Derek walked in the house with his pack of 3 betas. They went up to twin's room and when the twins saw them they froze and their eyes began to glow red.

"Relax, Luna and Luke this is your.......father." I sighed.

Luna is very laid back and immediately runs up and hugs him, Luke on the other hand is a bit more protective and runs to my leg and I pick him up and kiss his forehead.
Derek hugs Luna and kisses her head. Luna kisses his cheek and examines his face. After my pack left Derek and his pack played with Luna while Luke stayed close by me.

Soon Luna and Luke shifted into a wolf and wrestled each other as usual. I shifted into my wolf form so I could play with them too. Derek's pack fell asleep with Luna as midnight came and Luke fell asleep next to me.

After I carried Luke and Luna to their cribs and went to my room and shifted back. I changed into a black tank top and white short shorts. As I got in bed, I felt a dip behind me and muscular arms wrap around my waist.

  "What are you doing Derek?" I asked with a frown.
  "What I can't snuggle with what's mine!" Derek teased.
  "Whatever, goodnight," I told him and drifted away to dreamland.

Angelic Wolf- Derek HaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon