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Ch. 16: Jack's Place

September 2 | Day

I hurried home to get dressed. When I stepped inside, the television was on, but the studio was empty. By this point, my parents had been at work for hours. A weather report flickered across the vacant faces of relatives on the wall. I overheard the meteorologist segue to another reporter.

"Letty Chandler," I muttered in dry recognition. Stepping into a fresh pair of slacks from the fancy wardrobe Mal had bought me, I half-watched the news.

"It was right here at this four-star hotel where tragedy struck last month." Letty walked aimlessly toward the camera. Behind her was Century Luxe. "The nineteen-year-old daughter of famed Hollywood director Nannette Baudelaire was run down by an unknown assailant."

I arched an eyebrow at the photograph of a young woman. "One of the girls who crashed Mr. Cyprian's party?"

"Aurelia and Haley Edison were just two carefree teens looking for excitement. They snuck into an exclusive event together on August 9th, but witnesses say the girls were somehow separated. Now their family has been changed forever. Police are asking for the public's help identifying the owner of this vehicle." Letty cut to a grainy security clip of an SUV escaping the scene.

Suddenly invested in the segment, I lowered myself to the couch. It blew my mind that a deadly accident had happened the same night as Cyprian's event. I wracked my brain to remember any details of my transition from the luxury hotel to Mal's country estate, but I couldn't recall a thing. Definitely not the ambulances and cop presence that would have followed a hit-and-run.

I fastened my belt and turned my back on the television. Sunny was likely done getting dressed, already waiting for me. But none other than Zyr Ravani's voice slowed my haste to leave. "If you have any information, we're asking you to call our tip line and let us know." He spoke soberly from a split-screen with an interview of him on one side and the tip line toll free number on the other.

Jaw tightening, I shoved my foot into a stiff, new wingtip. "So they have New Orleans's finest on the case. Girl's killer is probably never gonna be found if that asshole's doing the investigating." I slapped the power button, and the screen blacked.

"Ready to go?" Mal chirped from the door.

A smile cracked through the dark mood trying to form. Her surprise visit was working its usual magic. "Yeah, but I need to stop by the manager's office and pay the rent before we take off," I replied. We strode to the car at the same time Sunny stepped from his unit.

"I'm all set," he said.

"Adorable," Mal gibed. He was impeccable, par for the course, in twill pants and a comfy t-shirt. I noticed the way her gaze lingered on his exquisite form. "Jack, I'm glad to see your parents taking advantage of your good fortune." She plopped into the driver's seat and caught me shaking my head. "Not so much?"

"Pfft, they turn down my offers to drive them to work. Dad's still wasting time with that busted truck, and Mom says she's content with the bus route. I have to sneak to aid them. It's maddening." I fought to keep the smile on my face despite the cloudy thoughts rolling in. She must've sensed I didn't want to talk. She snapped on the radio.

The 'good fortune,' as Mal put it, was moving faster than I could've imagined upon signing that deal with Mr. Cyprian. Barely a month had passed, and I already had more money, a better vehicle, and this sudden opportunity to have my own place. Ironically, I didn't feel like my personal growth was matching the pace of the changes around me.

My shirt was wrinkled. I didn't have a closet in the studio, and the high-dollar clothes my friends had helped me pick out were suffering for it. Every thrilling venture into the billionaire's world of indulgence left me feeling like an outcast in a smart costume. Mal had called me Cinderella. The nightmare of failing to convince the courts I was the rightful Ravani heir and the clock striking twelve scared me, but there was no backing away from the challenge. I was in too deep.

Into the Wild DarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora