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I sit up, hearing my alarm which was Tiana crying from her place next to me.

I quickly check my watch, seeing that it was about 5:30 am.

I sit up, leaning over to Tiana and picking up her pacifier.

I gently offer it to her and she takes it, her cries stopping.

I rub my finger up and down her forehead slowly, and she instantly begins to fall back to sleep.

Once she's out, I get up and walk out of my room, down the hall to Zac's room.

I open the door and peek in, but I instantly notice he wasn't in bed.

Confused, I walk towards the stairs and lean over, listening if I could hear him moving around.

"Dude that's not even a word!"I hear killer say from below.

"It's BOOGIE not Buggy!"I hear Zac say.

Oh great, they're playing Scrabble.

"How are you going to tell me?! I had to cut your sandwiches into triangles."Killer says, making me chuckle as I being walking down the stairs.

I see them at the dining table, the board between them.

Killer was dressed in his full biker attire, his signature leather jacket that had his name on the back.

His riding pants and boots.

"You look... dangerous.."I say, causing him to look up at me.

"What's that mean?"he asks, smirking as he sees me in my nightgown.

"You're not taking him to school on the bike, are you?"I ask.

"Oh no, no."he chuckles, shaking his head.

"Just to the bus stop."

"Absolutely not."I say.

"It's cool, I got him a helmet see?"He says, picking up a small helmet from besides him.

"No way."I say.

"But mommy, it's just down the street! Please?"Zac begs.

I huff, looking at his pleading eyes.

"Fine. Uhg. If you let anything happen to my baby I will kill you."I say, pointing at killer.

"Noted."he smirks.

I walk over to Zac and begin kissing his face repeatedly.

"I love you gummy."I say, making him giggle.

"I love you too mommy."

"Come on, let's get going."killer says, picking up his keys and standing.


Zac excitedly runs towards the motorcycle, holding his helmet.

He giggles as Killer puts on a pair of sunglasses.

Zac bounces excitedly as Killer gets on the bike and then leans over, picking him up.

"Please be careful!"Sky says, coming out towards the bike with the baby against her chest.

"Relax, I'm a professional."Killer says, buckling the strap of Zac's helmet under his chin.

He starts the engine and Zac giggles with excitement as he revs it twice.

"Alright. Hold on tight kid."he says, slowly backing the bike down the driveway.


Zac sighs as we pull into the driveway of the highschool where Zac's bus arrives.

"Awe, it's over."he pouts as the bike stops and I kill the engine.

"It's cool, I'll pick you up today too."I shrug.

"You're the best killer!"Zac says, making me chuckle.

I help him off the bike and then get off myself.

"Alright, point'm out."I say, putting my hood over my head.

Zac looks around and then points to a car where two boys were tossing around a football and a man sitting on the car.

The man was very obviously drinking a beer. At 6 in the morning.

Killer sighs.

"Go play with your friends, I'll handle it."

Zac gives Killer's legs a quick hug and then runs towards a group of children.

Killer walks over to the man sitting on the car, his hands in his pockets.

"Hey."he says, as he approaches.

The man looks over as he takes a sip from the brown bottle in his hand.

"Sup."the man says.

"It's 6 in the morning, why are you drinkin in front of all these kids?"killer asks.

"Do I know you?"the man asks.

"No. But your son has been bullying a friend of mine and I'd appreciate it if you'd do something about it."

The man's face grows angry and he then stands straight.

"Oh. You talking about Sky's kid? The boys are just playing around with him you know. Get him ready for when I'm banging his mom."he says, smirking.

A quick look of disgust flashes over Killers face.

"Why are you dropping him off? Your not doing her are you? Shit everyone knows since her guy got crushed I got dibs."

"I'm her neighbor. And you don't have a chance. If your kid messes with Zac again I'm gonna come to your house and break your feet."Killer says in the most serious tone he could imply.

The man's idiotic smirk drops.

"Yeah. I'd like to see you try."

This instantly pulls a smirk to Killers face.

"You want me to try and break your feet?"he smirks.

"Yeah. Go ahead."The man says.

Killer looks down at the two young boys onlooking and nods.

"Alright. I'm not one to fight around kids. But once they're off to school, me and my friends will be seeing ya."Killer says.

"What? Too pussy to fight now?"the man chuckles.

Killer shakes his head with a smile, seeing a school bus approaching from down the street.

"Not at all."he smiles, backing away towards his bike.

"Psh. I want you to fuck with that kid all day today."the man says to his two sons.


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