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Chapter 6

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The Loch Ness Monster

"I can't believe you have an exam right when we get back from reading week, Nat. That sucks majorly." Will patted my shoulder as he passed me to go into the kitchen to get more popcorn.

I shrugged, tapping my Apple pencil on my iPad. "It works out for me because I didn't have time to study before. And plus, we're not doing anything right now anyways, so it's the perfect time to get some studying in."

"You call watching Sonic The Hedgehog doing nothing?" Layla raised a brow from her sprawl on the couch. "Blasphemy," she scoffed.

The microwave slammed shut, and the sound of popping popcorn filled my ears while the buttery, delicious smell of popcorn filled my nose. Yummy. Soon, the scrumpdillyicious taste of popcorn would fill my mouth. The popping sound lessened as Will rustled around in the kitchen.

"Ow, hot, hot, hot," Will mumbled, probably opening the popcorn bag. He came out from the kitchen with a bowl of slightly burnt popcorn. Slightly burnt popcorn was still scrumpdillyicious popcorn, so I grabbed a handful when he passed me on his way back to the couch. Will set the bowl down on the coffee table, and Mia grabbed two fistfuls without taking her eyes off the screen.

Ty tilted his head, brow furrowed. "Will, don't you have an exam too when we get back?"

Will flopped onto the couch, stretching his arms behind his head and kicking his fuzzy-sock-clad feet on the coffee table. "I'm opting not to think about it."

"Great decision making, Will." Layla snorted, rolling her eyes. Yeah, that was totally a great idea. But I didn't expect any different from Will anyhow. How he managed to keep passing his classes, I don't know.

Mia waved a hand at them. "Shush, I'm trying to watch the movie." She leaned forward, engrossed. Who knew a blue hedgehog could be so entertaining? Or maybe it was James Marsden and Jim Carrey that kept her attention.

Mia grabbed the remote and turned up the volume to drown them out. Ha. I chuckled quietly, and Ty caught my eye, giving me a dimpled grin that made me melt.

I smiled with an expansive feeling in my chest. My shoulders slackened, relaxing. My face softened, tension seeping out as I looked at the group of them. Will, Layla, Mia, and Ty were all on the couch, and I sat at the table nearby with my laptop and headphones.

Plates and cutlery were scattered on the coffee table in front of them. Mia cooked butter chicken tonight. The first night, we ordered in, but once Mia got here, she took over the kitchen.

We'd developed a little routine over the days we'd been here. Mia cooked, me and Ty did the dishes, and Will and Layla bickered over who would take out the trash when it got full. Or at least, that was tonight's argument. Who knows what they'd find to fight about tomorrow?

I rubbed my eyes and looked away from the computer screen for a minute. My gaze drifted out at the gorgeous view of the lake and the moon reflecting on the smooth surface.

Warmth expanded through my chest, and I felt a lil prickle behind my eyes. We got to the cottage on Sunday, and it was already Wednesday. As cliché as it sounds, time does fly when you're having fun. Mia got here okay, and the five of us have been having a great time at the cottage.

Will kept trying to convince me to try out the cross country skis with the meagre snow left, but I stuck with the cottage and the fire pit (plus marshmallows, of course). I grimaced. Nat and skis were a recipe for broken bones.

I was glad that it was still too cold to swim in the lake because I didn't like not seeing what was underneath me. Bletch. I shuddered. I pretty much hated it when the kelp and whatnot touched my feet because I thought it was an underwater monster. Or fish. Or, more likely, the Loch Ness Monster. Because the Loch Ness Monster most definitely resided in a small lake in a random Southern Ontario town. I narrowed my eyes at the mysterious water.

My gaze shifted to the deck illuminated by string lights on a timer. I relaxed into my chair. The one thing I did like was the early mornings outside on the deck with my iPad, making new sketches for my stationery business, Daisy and Paper Co. Usually me and Ty were the only two up early enough to be out there. Ty either played Sudoku on his phone or read, and we sat in companionable silence. We hadn't talked much yet, but we would. We totally would.

The balance between spending time with Ty, everyone else, studying, and Daisy and Paper Co. was tough. Still, I think I was making it work.

I let out a deep, gratifying sigh. It felt good to work more on Daisy and Paper Co this week because I was falling behind on making new designs for the restock coming up this quarter. I still managed to keep up with my daily posts and newsletters, but replying to customer emails was falling by the wayside. My brows pulled in as I looked downward. I couldn't do everything; I wasn't Superwoman.

Thank goodness, Carly, my assistant handled all the shipping and fulfillment. She was becoming less of an assistant and more of an operations manager. I should give her a raise or a bonus or something. Another thing to add to my to-do list.

The red 'LOW BATTERY: Your Mac will sleep soon unless plugged into a power outlet' notification popped up on my computer. My lips pinched together. Urgh, my charger was in my room.

I shut my laptop and climbed up the stairs two at a time to grab my charger. Aha, found it. I snagged my charger from the bedside but paused at the large window overlooking the lake.

My heart froze, then pounded. I took in that moment. How lucky was I to be surrounded by amazing people, amazing opportunities, and this amazing place? I grinned, spontaneous laughter leaving my lips.

I wrapped my sweater around me and pressed a hand against my chest, fingers splayed out. My pulse went steady and calm. I looked out across the lake, muscles slack and limbs loose. The moon reflected against the calm water lapping at the shore.

There were a few other cottages (or rather, mansion cottages) around the lake. Each had its own personality and flare. Will's had more exposed wood and cabin vibes, but the one next door was mainly glass and sharp lines.

I leaned closer to the window. In the middle of the lake, there was a little island that we had yet to explore, but it seemed like it would be fun in the summer. Past the island and across the lake, I looked at the different cottages. A silver minivan caught my eye. That was the same car Dad was driving a couple of days ago, on Sunday.

I stumbled back.

My ribs tightened, a light quiver in my stomach. No, it couldn't be. No, no, no. I blinked at the car. What were the chances that Dad would stay at the same lake I was this week?

I chewed the inside of my cheek and squinted at the figures sitting outside that cabin. It looked like a man, a woman, and two other people. Kids? Teens? Young adults? I couldn't tell. I leaned closer against the window. Nope, couldn't make out much. Too bad I didn't have some creepy binoculars.

I took out my phone and used the camera to zoom in. My skin prickled, and I hesitated. Do you even want to know, Nat? I closed my eyes and pulled back. Just look and find out the truth. My eyes shot open, and I stared at the screen, zoomed in on the group of four.

The laughing face of the man was familiar. I gasped and stiffened, going still.

It was my dad, Vik Chabra. My dad, sitting with his new family.

I threw my phone down on the bed.

Pressure built in my chest from forgetting to breathe. Dizzy, I sagged down on the bed next to my phone. I sunk into the plush comforter, but it didn't give me any comfort.

Somehow, I couldn't tear my eyes away from the window. The lake didn't seem so calm and pretty anymore. It was dark and murky and foreboding.

I went numb all over. Dad should've always been there for me, and he abandoned me. My throat grew painfully tight. If my own father left me, what was to say it wouldn't happen again? With Ty or Mia or Layla or Will? My head hung down.

I wrapped my arms around myself. Did I really have to take the chance that I'd be hurt again?

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