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Chapter 7

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Sunsets & Surprises

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us to get ice cream?" Ty asked as he came down the stairs, hair dripping wet from his shower. Will and Layla followed behind him.

Ty and Will went for a run after dinner, which I didn't go on (because ew, running) but did enjoy the aftermath (because yay, sweaty shirt clinging to every, and I mean every, detail). I blinked. Stop thinking about Ty's well-defined abs and answer the question.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm gonna stay here." I leaned back, the chair creaking. I'd taken over the dining table between the kitchen and living room.

Ty came up behind me and leaned on the chair, lips brushing the shell of my ear. "And nothing I do can convince you?"

I shivered as my every last nerve-ending awoke. "I'm sure I could be easily convinced, but I really gotta stay here and get some more work done." Waving a hand at my open laptop, I bit my lip.

Ty's brows drew together, eyes soft and concerned. "You've been working non-stop all day. Are you sure, really sure, you don't want a break?"

I swallowed hard, a sour taste in my mouth. Yeah, because working all day meant I didn't have to think about Dad living right across the lake and the possibility of running into him somehow. Instead, I just stayed away from town to avoid all possibility of running into Dad.

"I'm really sure." I fiddled with a loose string from the white drawstring of my pants and cleared my throat for no reason at all.

Liar, liar, grey Roots sweatpants on fire. I forced myself to look away from Ty's concerned eyes, feeling like pond scum. I hadn't told Ty the real reason I was staying back. And not telling him this would lead to more misunderstandings, I'm sure. Logically, I knew that I should just tell him about Dad. But telling him meant being vulnerable and sharing insecurities I didn't even want to admit to myself.

"At least go outside and get some fresh air. You've been cooped up all day in here," Layla chimed in as she shoved on her shoes.

"Yeah, hermit," Will quipped as he walked out the door.

"I didn't say she was a hermit, doof." Layla shoved Will as she followed him out the door. The two of them bickered all the way to the car.

Ty drew me back in, brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear. My face heated in a probably splotchy blush on my cheeks.

"Sunshine, some sunshine would do you good." Ty gave me a half-smile, a single dimple making an appearance. If his light touch didn't make me all flustered, his smile sure did.

"Sure, sure." I stood, making him follow me to the door and put on his shoes.

"I'll go outside," I acquiesced. "Go have some yummy ice cream." I shooed him out the door.

Ty lingered in the doorway, one hand rubbing his jaw and the other gripping the door frame. His brows drew together. "You really okay?"

The hair on my nape stiffened. Every fibre in my being was telling me to keep it in. To soldier through it and not bother anyone with my crap. But I literally promised to tell Ty my crap because he cared. He cared and wanted to know.

I made an odd noise in my throat and took too long to reply, but Ty waited patiently. Tell the truth, Nat.

"I saw my Dad across the lake last night." My voice wavered.

"What?" Ty's mouth slackened.

Sighing, I scrubbed a hand over my tired eyes. Didn't sleep well last night, and staring at a screen all day didn't help.

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