The MBTI Types Trapped in an Elevator

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ENFJ: Messing with the wiring in the circuit board, oh looks like they've electrocuted themselves again

ENTJ: Explaining to ISTP how everyone could totally be out of here in no time if everyone would just listen to them!

ENFP: Somehow managed to spider their way up the walls with their feet and hands pushed against either side of the elevator

ENTP: Trying to climb up the elevator cables like a clumsy baby monkey badass

ESFJ: Panicking and jumping up and down to try and make the elevator move

ESTJ: Created a makeshift rope out of everyone's socks and is climbing down to the ground

ESFP: Cannot stop fidgeting and making little noises after being enclosed in such a small space

ESTP: Watching ENTP and ESTJ's impressive yet surely doomed climbs with some popcorn and betting on who will fall first 10 bucks says it's ENTP

ISFJ: Desperately clawing at the doors to try and pry them open

ISTJ: Pushes ENFJ out of the way after smoke starts coming out of their ears, starts wiring properly

ISFP: Making funny faces in the elevator mirror

ISTP: Silently died in the corner 37 minutes ago


INTJ: Is tying to read in the corner, shut up you guys

INFP: Frantically pushing all the elevator buttons as much as possible

INTP: Is cutting the cables, wait WHAT? SOMEONE STOP THE-

Entp : Not to worry, I have a permit.

[ Hands over paper ]

Infj : This just says "I can do what I want."

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