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ENFP: Hey love! How was your day? Oh god, I'm so hungry.

INTJ: *reads George Orwell's 1984, looks up at ENFP* Hey. It was fine. *goes back to reading*

ENFP: *frowns* That's great to hear, I guess? Anywayyy *starts laughing*, my day was great. My proposal was accepted by Ms. Hatchett, and is pending the board's review. Also, you'll never guess what happened to me on my way home.

INTJ: *reads Winston's torture at the Ministry of Love* Uh, you slipped?

ENFP: *mildly surprised* Wha—how did you know?

INTJ: *still not looking* Not sure. Wild guess.

ENFP: *brushes the aloofness off* Well, that's a great guess. I was in a hurry to get home that I tripped outside. It was embarrassing but I managed to laugh it off. I also saw one of my childhood friends who used to bully me—remember Charlie? That guy who used to tease my curls and call me 'granny goose'? He's now working as a foreman for Uncle Ben! Can you believe it?

INTJ: *absentminded* I certainly can't.

ENFP: Hmph. You didn't even comment on my proposal—you didn't even read it! *proceeds to hurt, but hunger is life* Oh god I'm so hungry. What have we for dinner? *becomes frustrated with INTJ's lack of response* What is it you're reading, anyway?

INTJ: *drops book* You did well on your proposal. I especially liked how you focused on cost-effective measures to avoid the progressive collapse through structural integrity. I'm sure you'll get the approval on Wednesday.

ENFP: ...oh.

INTJ: ...Remember the term 'Orwellian' you asked me about last night? I was about to explain but you weren't really into it. This is the basis for that term. '1984' is one of the greatest books ever written, and it talks about the risks of government overreach, totalitarianism and repressive regimentation of all persons and behaviors within society. 'Orwellian' is coined after the author, George Orwell; which refers to a totalitarian dystopia that is characterized by government control and subjugation of the people. The protagonist Winston tries to make sense of his reality when he meets a mysterious woman by the name of Julia. You'll want to read this book, I'm telling you! Here!

ENFP: Okay. Soooooo...how was your day again? Oh god, I'm so hungry.

INTJ: ...

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