some important questions

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Hey friends, I have questions for you. Please answer this after that only I will post the next part.

So someone DM me and said that,

Abhimaan is not worth being hero. As he is becoming weak in front of Advika. First Asking sorry just make her happy. Now asking love. That he wants someone who loves him.  So this are not good quality fir hero.

She strongly said that if that was the case with Advika that of asking for love and attention. That would have been ok. Because there are many heroes who are weak and demand love from the hero. Not the other way around.

So do you agree with this?  Is it ok for Advika as female asking for love but not for Abhimaan as male.

Also male characters can't be vulnerable.  Also this will  make my story bad. So I should change this.

Also he can't be a victim and Advika can't hurt him, it can possibly be the other way.

Do you guys agree? Can't a man in one story male asked for love? Can't Advika be guilty? 

Please answer my questions In comment

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