Chapter 33

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Leyla followed Toke to the outpost, slowing her step when she saw Captain Morten and his men waiting near the entrance to the tower.

"Protector," his eyes were kind as he regarded her, reminding Leyla of the first time they met. "It is my pleasure to greet such an exceptional fighter."

Leyla was grateful for the face covering that hid the tinge of colour in her cheeks: "It was my honour to fight alongside your brave soldiers."

The Warriors behind him looked pleased at her declaration, although many of them were still casting weary glances at Athiri beside her.

"We are going to meet the King," Toke cut into the pleasantries. "Captain Morten, will you lend us an escort to shield the Hayvan from view?"

Leyla was surprised to hear that Alec was not coming to the outpost. What exactly was going on in Kings Town? The timing of the Bone Eater attack, the distant sound of cheering that had been continuing for quite some time and the presence of the Warrior King...a notion started to form in her mind as the Captain called out several names.

Six Warriors, including the female she had saved minutes ago, formed a circle around her and Athiri before raising their fists to their chests: "We greet the Protector."

"Let's go," Toke said.

Leyla nodded towards the Captain as they moved out and towards the Greenlands gate.

The sounds of revelry grew as they got closer to Kings Town. The streets leading into the centre were lined with people, hugging and cheering as stall owners rushed to decorate their stands with long green and white ribbons; the colours of the Greenlands.

Her suspicions confirmed, Leyla just had one question left for the man walking beside her: "Who made the coup?"

Considering how low the previous Green King's popularity had been, the people could be cheering for almost anyone. However, since Shik sent his men to attack and the Warriors defended the wall, it had to be someone Alec approved of.

"Prince Julius," Toke said, obviously able to answer questions now that her 'test' was over.

"The Green King's son?" Leyla asked, surprised. "I thought he was lost years ago?"

"Turns out he wasn't so much lost as biding his time," Toke shrugged. "I've heard he's a clever guy, and a good fighter to boot."

Interesting. The politics of the Greenlands was not her concern, but the old King was no friend, so she couldn't help but be pleased that someone potentially better had replaced him.

As they turned the corner, Leyla realised that they had reached the towns' main street. Shoulder to shoulder, people pushed into the packed road where ribbons and colourful lights hung from all shop signs. Leyla looked past the busy stalls to the familiar building that towered over the revelry: Happy Times.

It felt like a lifetime had passed since she was here last.

"Hey! You!" The croaky voice drew the gazes of her Warrior escorts towards a madly waving old woman. Hobbling towards them from behind her bun stall, she reached them with unexpected speed. "You're finally back!" The crone cackled, pushing her wrinkled face between two shocked Warriors shoulders to look at Leyla.

Old Sosostris? Leyla's eyes widened with surprise and she reached up, to check her disguise was in place. It was! How could the woman have recognised her?

"Now, now, why so surprised? I would recognise you anywhere." The old woman laughed, then she was pulling a small bag from inside her colourful tunic. "Your money - I was waiting to give it back."

It really was Old Sosostris! But why did she have that money? Pushing past the Warriors, Leyla bent down towards the smaller woman. "That money was meant to feed the children! Did they not come to you?"

"Calm calm, don't look so worried," Sosostris's smile was gentler now. "The children did come to me, but they had no need for this after all." She pushed the money into Leyla's hand.

"Protector." There was impatience in Toke's voice, but Leyla ignored him.

"What do you mean? Did something happen to the children?" Leyla remembered the children who had been accused of theft well. She had been sure the money would have kept them fed for a very long time...Bloody Diya, what went wrong?

"Indeed, it did," the old woman grinned a toothy grin. Then she leaned her slim neck further towards Leyla and whispered, "Your man set up a home for them."

At Leyla's baffled look, Old Sosostris burst out laughing once more. "Oh come, why so confused again? You might think there are many, but your heart only caries one."

Irritated by the cackling, Athiri nudged Leyla's leg in protest. She gave him a quick pat, then shook her head as if to clear it from the strange confusion the crone's way of speaking provoked "Please, just tell me clearly if the children are safe."

"They are well cared for," the old woman sighed. "The Light Lander made sure of it."

Raphael? How? When?...

"He is a strange one, just like you," Old Sosostris winked.

"Protector, we have to go!" Toke said, now standing right behind her.

"Here," Leyla gave the money back to the woman. "Please, use it for other children who are hungry."

"Alright," the crone popped the bag back into her sea of folds, then grinned. "Though the new king won't let the weak suffer for long. Someone has been setting a good example, you see."

Leyla frowned, once again getting the feeling that there was a meaning to the woman's words she was missing.

"Take care, Protector. And don't worry, it's almost over now." The crone winked and turned back to her bun stall where a long cue had formed.

"What's over?" Leyla called, but the woman didn't stop walking.

Instead, she raised a gnarled hand and wriggled her fingers a semblance of a wave. "The fire goes out when there are no logs left to burn."

Logs? Burn? What in Gaia was she saying?

"Protector," Toke's hand on her shoulder had Leyla turning around. "The procession is approaching, we need to go."

Down the street, Greenlanders were rushing to clear a path to Happy Times. Leyla sent a last look in the direction of Old Sosostris, but couldn't see her from the crowd around the stall. "Alright, let's go."

The crowds grew thicker and the cheering louder as the little circle of Warriors moved to the corner of the steps leading up to Happy Times.

"Long live King Julius!" The chant began from somewhere to her left.

"Long live King Julius!"

"Long live King Julius!"

Greenlander soldiers appeared, carrying torches and marching down the street in twos. Once they reached the bottom of the steps, they lined up on opposite sides of the road, pushing the crowds back to clear the way. Then, beyond the flying ribbons and flickering torches, three horses came into view. 

Warrior's Soul (Book 3 of The Warrior Chronicles)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant