Chapter 50

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Leyla opened her eyes. The fires outside had dimmed, leaving the inside of the hut in semi-darkness. At some point in the evening, Raphael had tucked her against his warm body and that was how she had slept; with her leg half across his and her cheek pressed against his chest. Memories of the intense pleasure flitted across her mind and she raised her hand, gently touching the muscles that ran along his arms.

How did he have so much strength? Unlike Warriors who were wide and big, Raphael's muscles were long and lean. It had to be because of the difference in training. His fighting technique too was based on speed and agility rather than strength. She could only compare him to the King's Shadows; he had an assassins body and she found that she liked it...a lot.

"You're awake?" Raphael's chest shifted as he asked the sleepy question. Embarrassed at having been caught touching him, Leyla made to roll away, but one large hand came to hold her by the waist. "Don't. You'll get cold."

He was right, it was the coldest part of day and the dark hut's chilly temperature was uninviting. The desire to remain warm winning over her awkwardness, she stayed under the blanket. A moment went by in silence, then Raphael's hand began to draw lazy circles over her shoulder.

"I can't remember the last time I felt this happy." Then his fingers stilled and she could feel him looking down at her, "You aren't in pain, are you? I heard it can be sore after the first time..."

"No," Leyla blushed in the darkness, wishing he'd stop being so direct. Deciding to change the topic, she asked a question that had been weighing on her mind. "Are you alright? I didn't get to speak to you since you found out about the Sage..."

Raphael shifted, pulling her further onto his chest as if to take comfort from her nearness. "Gabriel is alive. That is all that matters."

Leyla knew there was a lot more to it than that, but Raphael obviously didn't want to broach the subject. Instead. He pulled her even closer, bringing her head right under his chin. "I sent Face Changers to find Shik back when I first realised you meant to stay here. The bastard is surprisingly difficult to pin down, but they have made progress. Just hold on a little longer, Leyla and I will deliver him to you myself."

Leyla took a slow breath. She was grateful for his desire to help, but she couldn't afford to wait. Not after what happened to the Water People.

Not wanting to lie to him, she chose to change the topic once more. "I heard you put Delphine in charge of Michael's schedule."

"Yes," Raphael snorted, twirling a thick strand of her hair around his finger. "They like each other, but are too stubborn to admit it. It's quite frustrating to watch."

"Indeed," she smiled, in completely agreement with his estimation.

"So, Protector," Raphael's voice was low. Suddenly he rolled and she found herself under him with her arms pinned to her sides. "What about us?"

"What do you mean?" Leyla asked, trying to ignore the way her breasts tingled every time his chest shifted above her.

"I mean, you have my heart." Raphael leaned down and kissed her gently. "And I'm wondering what you plan to do with it."

Leyla was suddenly glad for the darkness in the hut. A sudden pang of guilt made it difficult for her to look at him straight.

"I can't abandon these people."

He stilled above her as if struck, "I would not ask you to."

She knew he wouldn't. He wasn't asking her to leave the Protectorate, he was only asking her to accept him. But Leyla couldn't. Not now.

Perhaps if she survived...

"There are things I have to do," she began, pushing herself out form beneath him. The cold air outside the blanket hit her like a bucket of ice as she picked up her scattered clothing.

"I understand. I didn't mean to push." Raphael said behind her, but beneath the simple words, she could hear the hurt.

She was hurting him and she hated herself for it. But what else could she say? She could not make empty promises. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be curt," she said regretfully as she pushed her shirt into her trousers. "I have a lot to do..."

"It's alright," Raphael's arms came around her. Then pulling her back into his chest, he kissed her softly on the sensitive skin beneath her ear. "I'll wait. However long it takes, I'll wait for you, Leyla."

His warmth was addictive. Leyla found herself wanting to crawl back into bed, back into the warmth of his arms and pretend Gaia was a peaceful place. She wanted to pretend that the Protectorate was not in danger and that no one else would die because of her. But, she couldn't...

"It will be sunrise soon." Her voice was small in the silent cabin.

Raphael let her go to finish dressing himself, then he pulled her back into his arms for a last kiss. When they were both breathless, he stepped back, "I will come back soon. Please, don't get hurt."

Shutting the hut door behind him, Leyla listened to his footsteps recede with a heavy heart. As she promised, she did not regret a moment spent with Raphael. But she regretted not being able to tell him the truth.

Leyla's only hope was that he would understand. The longer Shik was alive, the more innocents would die.

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