New Year

402 16 1

13 July year 2 - Walking in town

New Status Window

Name: Yuki Suguru (Real name)                  Level: 25(89%)
Age: 4 years old (22 years old)

HP:  413/580             
MP: 77/100

Unallocated Points: 0 +   
Stats Points: 0 +

Strength: 49 
Stamina: 58 
Intelligence: 56
Flexibility: 29
Speed/Agility: 50                                              Sense: 45
Chakra: 100

Skills: 11

Active Skills

Clone Jutsu(⭐⭐)
- Shadow: level 10/10 (1 MP)     
- Blood: level 10/10 (3 MP)

Transformation Jutsu(⭐⭐)
- People: level 10/10 (1 MP)      
- Animal: level 10/10 (3 MP)

- shiruken/Kunai/Senbon: level 2/10 (0 MP)

Shunshin/Body Flicker (⭐⭐⭐)
- 5 meter: level 10/10 (1 MP)
- 10 meter: level 10/10 (3 MP)         
- 20 meter: level 3/10 (10 MP)

Sharingan (⭐⭐)
- 1 Tomoe: level 10/10 (5 MP)
- 2 Tomoe: level 5/10 (15 MP) (A/N: 2 tomoe can copy jutsu + read movement)

Substitution Jutsu(⭐⭐)
- 3 meter: level 10/10 (0.5 MP) 
-10 metre: level 9/10 (5 MP)

- basic: level 10/10   
- Standard: level 1/10

- basic: level 10/10   
- Standard: level 1/10

Taijutsu(⭐) - basic: level 5/10

Kenjutsu(⭐) - basic: level 1/10

Medical jutsu(⭐) - basic: level 1/10

Passive Skills

Cooking - level 3/10 
Critical Thinking - level 5/10
Chakra control - level 5/10
Poison - level 1/10
Stealth - level 1/10

Shop Points: 600

So after that major incident I woke up the next day lighter that ever. I felt like I had forgotten something though; there was this deep inexplicable sadness I felt within me but no matter how hard I tried I didn't know what I needed to remember. I tried remembering for a month but afterwards I gave up. If it is really important, I will remember it by myself. Anyway, when I woke up, the system told me that I had lots of waste in my body that I had brought from Earth (A/N: Don't ask me how) and that's why I had these complications. It seems when I passed out, the system bought the pills using my saved up points and transferred it to my body itself.

"Thanks system I 🤍 U"

I had a major boost in my chakra because of that and had to do a lot of chakra control exercises. I can now walk on trees, buildings and water. I also mastered the basic Fuinjutsu so I can do simple storage scrolls, paper bombs, among others. Fuinjutsu was more easier than I thought, It was mainly a mixture of maths and physics and I'm not gonna brag but I could be considered a genius in Maths back on Earth. I had a growth spurt because of the sudden increase in chakra and I'm now pretty tall, I could pass for a 6 year old. 

I keep my sharingan always active as I learned a genjutsu for my eyes to appear normal - Though I'm guessing Jounin could see through it, I'm pretty sure I could fool gennins and some chunnins. I often practise genjutsu by putting the civilians in normal not dangerous genjutsu -  like making them think water is juice or fish is chicken...things like that. Shunshin and Substitution became more easier now that I have more and a better chakra control.

Taijutsu didn't have that much of an improvement as I didn't have any opponent and had to practice against my clones. I also tried to learn some of the moves I saw some ninja practising in some training grounds. Speaking of clones, I now had multiple shadow clones in animal forms spying on multiple clans and specific characters - I'm guessing I got the stealth skill through that. I am mostly completed with the shinobi part of the library, in a month or so, I'll be done. I also left around 5 blood clones on the island who meditate and train. I dispel them each week - my chakra level increase by 2 each week.

A few months back, my clone came across a book on poisonous plant in the library and funnily enough, there were some plants I saw daily on the island. So... I ate them, they had different effects, none being life threatening with the small amount I ate hence how I got this poison stat. I bought the Medical jutsu so that the blood clones could heal themselves a bit and I don't receive all of their damage whenever they dispel. If I continued to return to the orphanage with bruises everyday, the matron would get suspicious and send me to the Hokage. I can heal basic bruises - like shallow cuts, but any internal injury is a No-No and if the cut is too deep, there'll still be a scar.

As for the orphanage I have been thinking about it for some times and I think I'll talk with the Sandaime to let me have an apartment. I saved up enough money through my blood clones' jobs. He will most likely let me if I show him I am a 'Prodigy' - since he let Kakashi, naruto or any other shinobi children live alone. (In case you haven't notice, I don't like the Hokage. I hate characters who stay silent for the 'Greater Good'). I'll discuss it with him by the end of the year. I think it's time to let my presence be known; my chakra should be about a graduated academy student level. It should reach Genin level by the end of the year.

The Spy shadow clones have gotten wind of numerous ninja movements and stories of attacks happening at the border of Konoha. There's also rumours about a war approaching from some ninjas' discussion. Because of that I have intensify my training schedules and I mostly lived on the island now; I send a shadow clone to the orphanage most of the times. I have more blood clones training constantly on the island now. I hope to reach elite levels for most of my skills before I try to change anything related to the war and I need to reach 3 tomoe for my sharingan.

The only training I've been neglecting is weapon training since I just bought some shiruken,kunai and senbon this week. I also bought a short sword to start practicing my kenjutsu - I bought a real one so that I can practice my Medical jutsu, increase my endurance and ensure I get real life experience with dogging. I found an unused target training ground in the forest. I think I'm going to practice there starting next week.

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