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Training Ground 34

I was trying to hit the targets but most of them just didn't hit and if I did hit, it was by chance and it didn't even reach the target points. I was practicing with a clone retrieving the weapons when I sensed someone approaching. I was going to hide when one of my spy clone told me it was Kakashi who was approaching. "What should I do?!!" I thought about hiding but then I remembered how I always wished to be friend with him "I can't give up without trying." I sighed; well I needed to meet and talk with him at some point. "I have to do it now or else he will start to close off once his dad die. When was he supposed to die anyway?"

When he was about 1 meter away, I dispel the clone and looked in his direction - he was already staring at me. We stayed like that for a few seconds.

Kakashi: " Hi?"





"Uhm... are you going to use the targets?" 

𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄  𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐆𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐒!! 𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐍𝐒!!! (A/N: that's my inner voice talking; I mean this random voice inside your head if you have it.)

YOU'RE NOT HELPING!!! (A/N: that's just my regular thoughts discussing with my inner voice)

K: Yes, are you done?

"Yeah, it's fine."


I quickly picked up my things and jumped away. No I literally JUMPED AWAY from trees to trees.

K: ... He's really fast but kinda weird.

On the island after digging my grave 

I cringed thinking back on how I acted. It's a good thing I can keep a good poker face or else this would have been even more embarrassing. Kakashi wasn't arrogant yet; Maybe cause his dad is still here? Ok let's forget that and continue training. I'll just do kenjutsu for now.

Next day - Training ground 

I was practicing, hoping I don't run into Kakashi but I guess God doesn't love me anymore.


K: "Hey"

After I scrambled to get my things.


He nodded and I left.

Nearly Two weeks later

I still couldn't hit the targets, sure more got within the target range but none hit bulleyes or even close. I was starting to despair and thought about using points to increase the levels but it felt different if I leveled up and learned by myself and using points. I thought about some new training ways when I got an idea; I'm not sure it will work but It won't hurt to try.


K: "Hey"

He approached and looked at me with an intrigued expression, his mask on.

K:"You're not running away today?" 

I felt that he was laughing or smirking behind his mask.

"Uhm... No."



I coughed my embarrassment away; "I was wondering if you could let me watch you practice or if I could practice with you. I've been practicing for a month now and I still couldn't get a single bullseye."

He observed me a few minutes and nodded. 

I CAN WATCH KAKASHI TRAIN!!!! Inside I was squealing like those fangirls.

I picked up my things and sat behind him. Once he started, I activated my sharingan and observed him for about 2 hours. He mainly hit bullseyes with a few times missing it with kunais, with shirukens he hit much less and with senbons he didn't hit any bullseyes though they came close.

After observing him I think I know what I was doing wrong. It looks like I was putting too much weight on the Kunais and Shirukens when throwing and senbons not enough. (A/N: Think of whatever issue you want that was wrong).

K: "Why don't you try now. I felt that your eyes didn't leave me for one second. Did you found what you were doing wrong? Maybe you can do it now."

Thank you God for giving me a poker face cause right now I'm so freaking blushing inside!

"Yeah I think I get what I was doing wrong."

I practiced again for about 2 hours and this time I did it! Though I didn't get bulleye with any of the weapons I did get close with shirukens. I was quite estatic once I was done. I picked up my things and kakashi trained for 1 hour then I did. It was nearly 6 p.m when I was done. Kakashi said he was going home now and left immediately.

I quickly created some shadow clones to pick up my things and stored them in a storage seal I tattooed on my wrist. I had found the ink in the Shop and it only appears when you channel chakra in it. I sensed Kakashi's chakra and shunshined behind him.

I touched his shoulder and you won't believe it but Kakashi, The Copy Ninja yelped like a little girl. I think he didn't sense me approaching as I always subconsciously suppressed my chakra to a civilian level whenever I go in town. I couldn't contain myself and fell down laughing at him. When I stood up again he looked embarrass. He must be glad to be wearing this mask right now. I thanked him for his help as this is the most progress I did within 1 month. He only nodded and walked away.

I walked besides him. If he was against it I would have gone away but he didn't say anything. We continued to walk like that in silence and this moment right now is my favorite memory since I woke up here. After 20 minutes or so we reached his house and I watched him enter.

"See you tomorrow!," I shouted. He was about to close the door and stopped.

Say Yes or something please >_<

He turned around nodded and disappeared inside.


Kakashi POV

...Tomorrow uh... I guess it won't hurt and he appears to be strong. How come I didn't feel him earlier?! Maybe he can help me become stronger.

I turned around, nodded and closed the door.  Well I'll give him a week if he isn't worth my time I'll just ignore him.

"Father I'm back!" ^_^

Dad: "Welcome back, I'm in the kitchen!"

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