Chapter 22: Gone Fishing

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A/N: Warning this is a violent chapter with violence that borders torture please never try to solve your problems like my characters do, they are fictional and have the power of plot armor to keep them out of jail. Always seek non violent ways to resolve your issues!

The five of us had spent the last hour going over the plan, really it's just us demons doing the work, but the werewolf brothers have a minimal but important part in the plan. 

Even if they half ass it, we should be fine.

We had returned to the lodge and dragged in all the equipment we needed to address the Vodník issue.

"So, is everyone clear about their part in this plan?" I asked, followed by everyone sounding off.

"Sure am Seppy!"

"I'm terrified of whatever you planned."

"Yeah, I don't do much."

Sammy nodded but said nothing.

"Sweet. Let's head out there." I said

Exiting through the back of the lodge, we made our way out to the lake. The sun had risen and the slight cool feeling to the air around the camp had gone. Sweltering heat would soon replace it as the sun continued to rise. Again passing through the camp, we made to the lake's edge.

"Hey, we're back!" I yelled. The Vodník rose slowly from the water and approached us until he was knee deep in the water. 

"Ach chlapeček. You've returned." He then looked at the group and smiled. "Oh, my sweet Holčička, you're back too!"

I filled Eunie in on his victims. She's ready to murder him, but for now, she just needs to play along. Worst case, he takes a deal before strike three. He's already got strike one for not returning the soul earlier. If he refuses the first two offers, then we'll give him what he's earned.

"So I'm first going to ask you this; Are you sure you don't want to just return the soul you got this morning? If you do, then I'll offer you the deal I had originally planned this morning." He laughed at me. 

"Deal? Really, what is it?"He asked. 

"Nope, I only tell you if you agree to give me the soul back. We have a deal?" I asked. 

"No." He said.

Strike two.

"Ok, I can see you want something in exchange. That's understandable." I turned to Eunie, "Can you grab what we have ready for the second offer?" I asked. 

"Sure!" She said as she leaned into the box in front of her and brought out a bright red, sealed plastic bag. The window on it revealed shredded brown leaves, tobacco. Eunie held it up as if it were some sort of game show prize. 

"So my second offer is... This bag of tobacco! You can take this, stick it in your pipe and smoke it!" I said, doing my best Pat Sajak impression.

It said in the bestiary; They like tobacco; it cost me $11.99; it was on sale on Instant. 

I spent enough to deal with this bastard.

"So, what do you think?" I asked. He laughed again. 

"Why don't you give me her instead? I could use a new wife."He said as he leered at Eunie. 

"Huh?" Eunie said as she lowered the bag down, as if to hide behind it. 

"Take the mask off Holčička, let's see your face, then take off that... strange, baggy coat you're wearing. Let's see your body." The prick of the lake commanded. Eunie froze up from the disgusting request. "What's wrong? Are you ugly or something? Is that why you wear the thing on your face and hide under those baggy clothes?"The monster asked.

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