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The next morning

Dean's pov

While Sammy and I were chattin' over beers last night, he convinced me to get the boat out today so we could take the kids fishing. When Sammy was living with us, we used to take Katie fishing together at least twice a month while the weather was decent. She's actually pretty good at catchin' bluegill and bass. Better than her uncle anyway. Me and Katie would bring in most of the haul, keeping only enough bluegill to fry up for dinner, which was Sammy's job of course. The bass fishing is all catch and release.

We're gonna see if the boys want to go with us today. Amy already politely declined my invitation last night after I rocked her world between the sheets. Poor thing is probably too worn out from all that Dean loving. Best if she rests up this afternoon while we're gone so she'll have enough energy for sexy playtime tonight. Fishing always gets me hot and sweaty and after a long day in the sun, four or five beers, and several hours of quality time with the children, I'll be yearning for release. That's where my gorgeous lady comes into play.

I can just picture how appreciative and thankful and well rested and refreshed she'll be after having the whole day to herself while Sammy and I take care of the kids. I didn't even realize I had started tugging myself under the table until Drew hopped up on my lap, shabby stuffed dog in hand, ready for some breakfast. Sammy's making chocolate chip pancakes this morning, one of Katie's favorites.

"Oof," I said, adjusting Drew on my lap so his little legs weren't so close to makin' unwanted contact with the fun zone. Don't think the church choir is looking for any sopranos this week. "Did you sleep good, little buddy?" I asked, tickling his sides, making him squirm in delight.

"Uh huh," he said, nodding and giggling as I continued to find his most ticklish spots.

I love hearing this kid laugh. Ah youth, so pure and innocent. Wish they could stay that way forever. Soon enough they'll be moody sullen teenagers just like Alex. Katie's already picking up some colorful language from her classmates and asking some uncomfortable questions no seven-year-old should ever be bringing up. Won't be long before Drew starts arguing with everything we say and coppin' a 'tude anytime we ask him to help out around the house.

Putting my hands over Drew's ears, I yelled for my daughter, "Katie, come on! Pancakes are ready." Amy is in the shower and I really don't care if I wake up Alex cuz we gotta ask him if he wants to come fishing with us anyway.

Once Katie joined us we started eating. Sammy does make a fine pancake, can't deny it.

"So Uncle Sammy and I have a question for you guys." Two sticky little faces looked up at me expectantly. "Who wants to go fishing today?"

"ME! ME! ME!" my daughter shouted excitedly, raising her hand as if she was in school.

Not sure what he was agreeing to but not wanting to be left out, Drew raised his chubby little hand too, loudly saying, "Me too, I wanna go fishin'. Take me." Amy told me last night neither of the boys have ever been before.

"Awesome!" Sammy said. "You know, Jellybean, I haven't been fishing since the last time you and I went with your dad."

"Daddy and I went a couple times without you, Uncle Sammy, but it wasn't as fun," Katie replied bluntly. "Sorry, daddy," she said, in response to the crestfallen look on my face.

"That's alright, baby," I replied, laying my hand on her shoulder and kissing her on the cheek as I got up to put my dirty plate in the sink. "You're not wrong. It is more fun when Sammy is there." Turns out gloating over catching more fish than a six-year-old isn't terribly satisfying. Wow, I can't believe it's been over a year since I took my little girl fishing. I think it just made both of us kinda sad cuz we missed Sammy so much, his absence was painfully obvious.

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