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Amy's pov

"I'm home and I brought dinner!" I shouted, upon entering the kitchen after one helluva long day at work. I know probably nobody will give a frick that I'm home, but the mention of food should bring 'em runnin', at least most of them anyway.

Alex was the first to answer the call. Big surprise.

"Great, I'm starving," my oldest said, immediately digging through the fast food bags to retrieve his meal.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his gusto for food. I don't know where the kid puts it all cuz there's not an ounce of fat on him. Typical teenage boy I guess. I've been wondering if Drew will follow in his footsteps, or take after me. I just look at an order of fries and I gain two pounds, I swear. Thankfully, I finally found a man who never makes me feel self-conscious about my weight. Dean swears he loves all my curves and God bless him, I believe him every time he says it. I only wish I was so forgiving of my imperfections. I hate being overweight but I damn well love food and hate exercise, so I guess I've sealed my own fate. Oh well, no time to worry about that now, I've got a family to feed.

"Alex, I got you two burgers and one order of fries. That's it okay? The rest is for us." I figure I better stop him before he demolishes everyone's dinner.

"Jeez, mom, how many times do I gotta tell you to get me two orders of fries. God! You always forget," Alex griped, as Sam and Dean walked into the kitchen.

"Quit givin' your mother a hard time and sit down and eat. Bobby's gonna be here soon to pick you up," my sexy man ordered my mouthy offspring.

"I thought I was dropping him off at Bobby's," I told Dean, as I greeted him with a kiss.

"Change of plans," Dean answered. "Bobby's gonna be in the area, picking up some lumber or something. I don't know. He just said he'd swing by around 7pm to get Alex."

"Shit!" I exclaimed, looking at the time on the microwave. "That's in like ten minutes." Starting to panic, I shouted, "Hurry up and eat your dinner, Alex. Uncle Bobby will be here any minute."

"On it," Alex snarked, shoving half a burger in his mouth. "That is if you two quit being gross and I can keep my food down," he managed to garble his objection, despite a mouthful of food.

"Shit, shit shit," my little Drew parroted on cue, as he hopped into the kitchen literally on one foot, with Katie close behind.

"Drew, don't say that. That's a bad word," Katie informed him.

"Stay out of it, Katie," Dean cautioned his daughter.

"Thanks for picking up dinner, Amy. You're a lifesaver," Sam said, smiling at me as he sat down to eat.

"Daddy, how come Drew gets to say bad words but I get a spanking if I do?" Katie whined at her father. "It's not fair."

"Just sit down and eat your sandwich," Dean ordered sternly. "Or I'll give you somethin' to whine about."

"But that's..." Katie started to complain, before her Uncle Sammy came to her rescue by cutting her off.

"Jellybean, come sit on my lap so we can share my onion rings," he offered, patting his thighs. "I know how much you love dunking them in the sauce and I can't possibly finish this whole bag by myself. I really could use your help," he cooed sweetly, sparing his niece from further reprimand from her father.

"Katie is right, Drew," I echoed, lifting my little guy up into his booster seat and pushing it closer to the table so he could reach his chicken nuggets and fries. "Shit is a bad word and Mommy shouldn't have said it so please don't repeat it. Ok?" I spoke hurriedly, as I tried to get him situated, now hearing Uncle Bobby's loud-ass truck in the driveway.

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