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I didn't get an ounce of sleep last night, but somehow, despite my exhaustion, I'm more determined than ever to hit the gym today.

After the little shower incident with Eli last night, I want to push myself even harder to lose the weight, to look and feel better for him. He hasn't said it outright, but I feel like my weight has put a wedge in our relationship. But I think if I really try hard and get myself back to where I used to be, maybe our relationship won't be as strained.

All day I plow through my work load and am more than ready when Eli pulls into the driveway to take me to the gym. I practically sprint out the door and into his truck.

Eli drops me off at the front door and I check in at the front desk before going to the back to meet Victoria, expecting to see her waiting for me where she always is.

Except she's not.

"Ah, Claire," I look up to see Jeremy walking towards me, still looking all sharky and business-like in his gym logo polo and black pants. "Good news, Victoria went into labor last night and had her baby early this morning," he informs me.

"Oh that's great!" I state, genuinely happy for her and also so relieved. She looked like she was going to pop any second, and I was afraid she'd go into labor during one of our sessions. Thank God that didn't happen, because I'd have no clue what to do.

"Yeah, it is," he agrees, an over-exaggerated smile on his face. "However, that does leave us with a bit of a problem," he says, his expression sobering and flipping to business mode. "Obviously she's not going to be able to train you for a while, but we were able to find you a replacement."

I frown, realization sinking in that I'm losing her as my trainer for a while. I should have figured, but I guess I really didn't think about it. I mean, the woman was still working out and barking orders like it was nothing at nine months pregnant. I honestly wouldn't have been surprised if she showed up today with a newborn in her arms, using it as a dumbbell.

I nod, suddenly nervous. "Okay, so who is my new trainer?"

Jeremy cranes his neck, eyes scanning the gym. They seem to light up when they lock on whatever he's looking for, and he jerks his head in a come here motion. "Claire, I'd like you to meet your new trainer Rhodes."

I snap my head to the side, nearly breaking my neck, and spot Rhodes leaning against a door frame to one of the offices, his huge arms crossed. We momentarily lock eyes and he pushes off the frame, striding over.

I look back to Jeremy, trying to keep my voice quiet and even, but my words come out as a frantic hiss. "Aren't there any other trainers?"

Jeremy ruefully purses his lips. "I'm afraid not. We just opened a few weeks ago and all of our trainers are booked. Rhodes offered weeks ago to take on Victoria's clients while she was on maternity leave."

Great. Just great. I can't have Rhodes as my trainer, Eli will blow a gasket.

Before I can even think, Rhodes appears next to Jeremy and he starts introducing us. "Claire, this is Rhodes. Rhodes, Claire."

Rhodes sticks out his non-tattooed hand, acting as if we've never met before—as if he didn't treat me like a child yesterday, making me come back inside the gym to keep an eye on me until Eli arrived.

Not wanting to look like a bitch, I reluctantly take his hand in mine, scowling at him.

I watch as his steely gray eyes scan me from head to toe, a little spark in them. A ghost of a smirk touches his lips, and I already know he's labeling me as a challenge in his mind, wondering what it's going to take to get me in shape or how long it's going to be before I give up and stay in this pathetic body forever.

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