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I stand outside my apartment anxiously shifting my weight from one foot to the other while waiting for Rhodes to get here. I figure if he's taking the time out of his day to come pick me up I shouldn't leave him waiting.

I almost ordered an Uber just to spite him, still finding the idea of him driving all the way from the gym to come pick me up ridiculous, but then I thought of the inevitable guilt I'd feel for him then going out of his way for nothing.

Damn him.

As soon as I see his truck turning into the parking lot I make my way to meet him at the curb, getting in as soon as he comes to a complete stop. I'm instantly greeted by the clean smell of his car and a surprised look on his face.

"Eager?" he asks, and I detect a hint of amusement in his tone.

I scowl at him, and he has the audacity smirk, humor glimmering in his gray eyes. "Let's just get this over with," I grumble, pulling on my seatbelt.

He takes that as his cue to start driving, pursing his lips together to suppress his amusement at my curtness.

We drive the ten minute distance to the gym in slightly awkward silence, neither of us knowing how to strike up a conversation. I'm thoroughly relieved when we finally arrive at the gym, and I can't get my seatbelt off fast enough, opening the car door, ready to jump out.

That is until Rhodes asks, "Ready for arms today?"

I instantly freeze in the seat, groaning in agony. I turn my body back into the car, closing the door and pulling my seatbelt back on. "Never mind, take me back home."

He chuckles, twisting to reach into the back seat, grabbing his gym bag, simultaneously grabbing mine from the floorboard by my feet before I can stop him. He climbs out of truck, effortlessly tossing both bags over his large shoulder and rounding the bed of the truck to come open my door.

"Come on," he coaxes, surprisingly patient.

"Uh-uh," I shake my head, crossing my arms like a stubborn child.

He leans against the open car door, his amused expression turning a bit exasperated. "Come on, Claire."

"But I hate arm day," I whine.

He shrugs a shoulder, the one with the bags slung over it. "No pain, no gain."

I scoff with disgust. "Ew. That was such a gym bro thing to say."

The corner of his mouth twitches. "Come on, quit stalling, because I'll drag you in there kicking and screaming if I have to."

"Don't you dare touch me," I warn.

He seems completely unfazed by my threat—probably because he could easily crush me to a pulp. "Fine," he says so casually, still completely unbothered. I'm surprised when he walks away, walking to the entrance with his keys dangling from his fingers.

I stare after him, skeptical as to how easy it was to get rid of him after he seemed so determined to get me into the gym.

I nearly jump out of my skin when the car alarm goes off, the sound piercing, blaring over and over again.

I look up to find Rhodes smirking at me over his shoulder, and when he reaches the front door he holds it open, expectantly waiting for me. I curse under my breath, unbuckling the seatbelt and scrambling out of the truck, slamming the door shut behind me.

"I hate you," I hiss at him before entering the gym.

"I know," he says, still as unbothered as ever, offering me my bag as I breeze past him.

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