Chapter One

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[ 1.01 ]

In a perfect world, Venus King would be on a stage with her band, performing in front of a large crowd. She would wear her short dresses and pretty makeup and people would love her for it. Charlie Spring would be playing the drums and there would be two other bandmates with her playing the bass guitar and keyboard. In a perfect world, she would look out into the crowd and see the person who all her songs were about and they would give her a smile.

However, this was not a perfect world and Venus was reminded of that when Charlie Spring threw her door open to wake her up for school.

"Come on, Vee! You need to get up or you'll miss the bus!"

Venus groaned loudly, turning over in her bed in order to continue sleeping. She was feeling tired considering the sun had started peeking through her curtains when she fell asleep. Charlie, her best friend since she was five, barged into her room without a single care. A big downside of living across from your best friend was that he could enter her house and actually force her to go to school. It had become a routine for them seeing as Venus hated going to school and would skip if it wasn't for Charlie.

Venus grunted as Charlie entered her room, pulling her covers off of her. It was enough for the brunette to sit up, the cold air hitting her bare legs instantly. Her once cosy bed was now cold and occupied her best friend.

"I don't wanna go to school," Venus glared at Charlie. "My science teacher is making us do partner work this term."

"Oh my god, you'll have to talk to someone other than your circle of four friends?" Charlie gasped sarcastically. His face dropped, giving her a stern look. "Get ready!"

"I have a circle of five friends, thank you." Venus muttered.

"And how many did you make on your own?"

Venus climbed out of bed and shot Charlie a glare. "Just for that, Tori is my favourite now."

Charlie rolled his eyes, taking a seat on her bed while he waited for Venus to get ready. After a quick shower and changing into her uniform, the two were out the door and waiting for the bus with Charlie's older sister, Tori. Venus' frown deepened as she stood in the cold, hugging her coat tighter.

Venus, much like her best friend, always felt cold. Tori liked to joke and say it was her cold heart which always earned an eyeroll. However, Tori always did stand closer to her in order to make the girl feel a little warmer. It never helped but Venus did know how to appreciate nice things.

When the bus arrived, Charlie and Venus sat beside each other while Tori sat with one of her other friends. Venus offered the boy an earphone, which he happily took and let the Taylor Swift playlist sing to him. One of Charlie's favourite thing about Venus was her deep, deep love for Taylor Swift. His best friend, always seen scowling and walking around with her earphones stuck in her ears, was constantly blaring Taylor Swift songs.

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