chapter 27~ rain

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"but I'm doing fine" I'm trying to assure Dorian that I'm fine now and I can go to school

"You keep saying that but what if-"

"That's no what if, Kenji is there so I'm fine"

After Dorian told me thousands of time that I should call him immediately if I don't feel like no should, I'm finally going to school

Henry drives me and Kenji to school

As usual I got out first, Kenji goes his way and I do the same

"Why we you not at school" Rory ask as others wait for me to answer

"I was sick" I say

"Are you okay now" molly questions

"Yeah, that why I'm here, what happened while I wasn't here"

Rory toll me all the things I missed in class but other than that nothing new,

We walked in the classroom where I already see Kenji in the back seat I ignore him, he seems moody, and take my usual seat.

Class was okay but it started to rain we started to move to the dining hall when I see Kenji coming to my direction

"Are you alone" I ask him but silence was the answer

"You can come with us if you want" I suggest and he just nods

We walk to one of the tables and sit down

Molly as usual started to give us the gossip that she heard from girls bathroom we all listened but when I look at Kenji he was staring at me, I quickly look away

Why is he starting

Do I have something on my face?

On my hair?

Whatever I didn't question anything while being with others but as soon as school ended and we started to walk to my car I hear Kenji's voice

"They were busy, I'm driving"

"But Henry dropped us off today" how does he have a car of he didn't got here with it

"My friend dropped it off for me" how, is my question but I didn't ask and just sit down

"What was that today" I ask while he's driving

"What do you mean?"

"Oh don't 'what do you mean' me, you know what" I say and rain is getting more heavier

"Azalea if you don't say anything I won't know"

"Staring thing, you though I wouldn't notice"

"So I can't just look at you" he asks

"No that's creepy"

"But that's okay if that dude does it right"

"Who" I ask

"Your friend" he says word 'friend' like he hates it

"You mean Drake"

"Yea him"

"He does not stare at me" I narrow my eyes and look at him

"Hate to brake it to you but he does"

"Sure whatever" I roll my eyes

Moments of silence until he spoke again

" Why you like him" now that was out of blue


" Well... Yes or no" he's waiting for an answer

"That is none of your business"

"So yes" he questions

"I didn't say that"

"You did say 'no' ether" he sounds... Disappointed?

"What's wrong with you today" I ask him genuinely being interested


"Kenji," my voice is higher.

"I- it's nothing" he sounds mad

"Are you mad right now?" I ask him.

"No," he lies.

"Stop the car" I demand

"What, why"

"I don't feel comfortable driving with a mad person"

"I'm not Azalea," he shouts.

"Than why are you shouting" I shout

He suddenly stops the car which makes me Yelp I look at him bus he's already looking at me

"Because you don't trust me," he states.

"Of course I do." I do trust him. Consider what I think of men in general.

"We have spent same amount or more time together as with your brothers, so we have known each other same amount of time but you don't tell me anything"

"And I know you told something to them because when I decided to come visit you, the door was locked while all of you and your brothers were talking, and later on I saw most of them with red eyes and tears."

"I do trust you" I tell him, I just think that if I tell him the truth he will he me otherwise, I don't want that

"I can't see that."

"Because you won't understand."

"What is there not to understand, Azalea?"

"That me being with you, with a male alone, is already me showing you trust because if I didn't, we would be having this conversation alone, you know why, because last times I was left alone with a man, I was not only kidnapped and tortured but was their literally toy for any of their desires," I say or shout quickly all at once and then get out of the car.

I know way from here to home, it's far but better than being with him right now

I hear his voice; he's calling for me, but I ignore him.

"Azalea wait" I don't

"Kenji, stop fallowing me," I demand as rain soaks my clothes.

"You will get sick."

"I won't" I shout back.

he followed me and to stop me or for whatever reason he did what i did not expected in milion years to happen.

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