chapter 31~ about him

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"I didn't know you could do that; I'm amazed." Liam compliments me.

"Thank you"

"You were really cool," Luca says. I smile and thank him as well.

He is brunette with hand and neck tattoos, tall, and muscular.

"How old are you?" Luca asks.

"18," I state, "you." The question returns to him.


5 years old, he looks younger.

"Age is just a number, though," he says jokingly.

"So is 911," kenji said, smiling.

"And jails are walls with a roof," I hear Kenji add.

Some time later, owen and liam come in.

"Owen, ma man," Luca says, shaking his hand.

"I didn't know you had a sister," he adds, and Owen's face changes into a murderous glare.

"Now you know," he answered.

"Aren't you guys hungry? Let's eat something," Luca suggests.

"Any suggestions?" he looks at me and asks.

"I never had any fast food here."


A few minutes later, we're at a place called Chick-fil-A.

We ordered stuff and waited.

"So what do you do for fun?" Luca asks.

"Nothing really; I go to school, so there isn't really time for that."

"Oh," he says, smiling and looking up and down.

I don't like that.

"Hey man, let's go talk for a minute before food gets here." Owen said, and then they leave, which also leaves me and Kenji alone.

We sit in awkward silence, and then food comes in.

"They will take a while; eat," Kenji informs

"That's all you can say after leaving suddenly for a month," I ask as I put heavenly-tasting waffle fries in my mouth.

"I'm sorry." Well, that's unexpected.

"It was wrong of me to force you to say stuff and not say anything about me as well." What's wrong with him?

"Okay," I replied.

I look at him, and he somehow looks guilty, but why?

He suddenly looks at his phone and then says,

"Owen. He texted me that he and his friend had some business to do, so they left."


We eat, or more likely, I eat, and he stares at me from time to time.

"I like black, I hate school, but I did everything not to disappoint David and Maria, my parents; my birthday is on October 27th," he tells me about him.

"I know it's an excuse, but I have never had friends or met new people aside from you, brother, whom I have known for half of my life."

"I can say the same."

"I like yellow, I like the school, teachers are nice here not like they are in Russia"

I don't say anything for a while and then decide that I should speak up.

"I was sold as a child," I begin. "Someone I knew betrayed me."

"Who?" he asks.

"My parents, a few times when I was younger, needed money for their drugs."

"Anyone else?" he asks.

"Yeah but I don't want to remember her"

"One time she told me she wanted to get close to me and buy me a dinner, but instead she took me to a building where I was drugged and happened what I don't remember."

"Thank you," he says.

"For what"

"For trusting me with it," I smile, not regretting my decision to tell him.

We say, "You were really badass today with the car." I roll my eyes and smile.

"And hot with a gun," he says, waving his hand like he's hot.


We get out of the car. I feel relief; we get to know each other, and I loved the fact that he didn't judge me, he didn't say how sorry he is, and he didn't pity me.

We walk into the house and see Theo, who has a serious expression.

"What's wrong?" I ask them as I see her.

Oh no














As I walk further in the room and see serious Dorian, Henry, and Owen

"Are you okay?" Kenji whispers, and I shake my head no.

"Guys, what's going on, and who is she?" he asks them.

"Hi," she smiles. "I'm Alexsa, but you can call me Lexa."

"And you are," he questions.

"Oh, Azalea, you haven't told them," she smiles. "I'm her sister."

"Her twin, to be specific."

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