thirteen. fruit rollups

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thirteen. fruit rollups

Travel and the chaos of a hockey game in a different arena with a child tire out a girl. Chandler is curled up in her hotel bed, her lamp on despite the two sleeping bodies in the bed to her left. Wren had completely fallen in love with one of the Hughes brothers and had him wrapped around her finger already, giving up his room with his brother so he could keep hanging out with the toddler (and totally not so Jack could take Pen back to the room). Despite the fatigue overwhelming her body, the only thing she wanted to do was call Trevor and gossip with him after the day she had had, somehow missing the guy she's not even officially dating. And so, after debating it for a few moments but ultimately deciding that the worst he could do is not answer (or maybe answer while with another girl), she pulls up his contact and clicks on the button to FaceTime him. Within seconds, he has answered.

He's also laying in bed by himself, she can tell. He's shirtless and she's pretty sure he's in his room, based on pictures he's sent her from his bed, since she hasn't made it to his place yet, they've only spent time together in her apartment. His hair is a mess, but the smile on his face that had immediately spread the moment he got to see her face on the dimly lit screen makes her heart warm. His view of her is even better than her view of him, as her hair is pulled up in a pony tail and she's wiped off all her makeup but the mascara, so her freckles are on full display, and she's genuinely the most beautiful girl he's ever seen in the simplest of ways.

"Hey, gorgeous," he says, his voice a little raspy.

"Hi," she says softly, reaching over to the nightstand to grab her AirPods to keep his voice from waking up either Luke or Wren. Once the earbud is firmly in her ear, she nods in contentment, speaking again in a soft voice. "Sorry for calling so late. Did I wake you up?"

He shakes his head, "Not at all. I was just laying down and thinking about how much I wish I could have come with you guys. I miss Jack and Luke, plus I wish I could be there to support them."

"They know you're proud of them," she tells him, nodding. "We talked about you while we were at dinner and trust me, they miss you too, but they know how proud of them you are. Especially Luke."

"How was dinner?"

"Oh my god," she says with a chuckle. "Wren loves Luke. Like from the second they met, she was attached to him. She screamed for him the loudest when he scored that goal tonight. And she sat in his lap all through dinner instead of with me. He adores her just as much, since he let her crawl all over him and play with his hair and eat food off his plate."

"Sounds about right. Serves him right, he was always the one being clingy with all of us older kids every summer."

"And then watching Pen and Jack?" she wipes a hand over her forehead. "That's like reading a steamy book, which I have no time to even do."

"Isn't she in the room with you?" he asks, quirking an eyebrow at her gossiping about her friend.

"Nope. She's with Jack in his room. And when I tell you I'm glad she's getting some action, I mean it."

"Where is Luke then?"

She snorts, then flips the camera around so that he can see that the curly haired younger boy is sprawled out on the other bed in the room with her, Wren curled up against his side and one of her hands tangled up in his curls. He's amused, if not jealous for just a moment that the younger boy is sleeping in a hotel room with the girl he's infatuated with, even though he knows she's not anywhere near interested in the younger boy and is instead on a video call with him. When she flips the camera back onto her, he doesn't even hesitate for a moment before capturing a screenshot of the beautiful girl to add to his album of photos of her.

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